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Everything posted by akar.johri

  1. Hi all, I had 3 different tables with date as "dd-mm-yyyy" format in my chart I want to show as "Jan-2018" . So I wrote a case statement to get 1=Jan and so on to 12 = Dec. Now I concatenated with a '-' and 'year' In chart I want to order it by date but as after applying case and concatenating it became string .so it's ordering alphabetically.But I need to sort my chart as date. Can anyone help me on same
  2. While running a dashboard getting error message as "An unexpected error has occurred".How to resolve this error. Earlier my dashboard was working properly
  3. How to fix below issues in Jasper Server 7.0? Issue: Password Hints reveals guessable user id and password. Browse the Login page of the application at URL: https://sgpvmintjsp01.cbs.fiserv.net:8080/dataview/login.htmlClick on the “Need help logging in ?” link below the login boxUse the tips as login like, superuser as user id and password, similarly user jasperadmin and password jasperadmin to login to manage a single organizationIssue: How to Configure the X-Frame-Options: deny in response header. Issue: How to Configure the X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff in response header. “nosniff” will prevent the browser from MIME-sniffing a response away from the declared content-type. Issue: How to disable concurrent login? Issue: How to make password validations? Issue: How to Auto complete Enabled on the form page
  4. Hi All, 1. How to create a domain in JasperServer with joining 11 tables When I am doing so I am getting error .If I am using concept of derived tables then I am not able to filter entire dashboard.Please help me on same. 2. how to do union? Thanks and Regards, Akar
  5. Hi all, I am using JasperSoft Server 7.0. We have designed a dashboard and want to set this page as home for all non-admin user. As a user log in he just see this specific dashboard Is it possible? Please an early response is appreciable Thanks & Regards, Akar(7406036104)
  6. Can anyone help me with hiding bar shadows. In every bar there is a silver shadow .I want to turn it off. Thanks in advance
  7. Thanks elizam . Can you please help me with In dashboard while maximizing a chart the border of hover box is not taking full text inside box. too
  8. I have few buckets in my chart .I need to sort legends to ascending order Sample bucket >10 10-20 20-30 50+ I want chart to show legend in same order .As > is special character it's coming at end .I changed my sql query and applied flag still I am not getting above order. Any help.
  9. Below are hovering changes I need for my reports: 1. On hovering it's displaying 100.00 inspite of just 100 i.e. I want to remove decimal from my chart 2. In dashboard while maximizing a chart the border of hover box is not taking full teaxt inside box. Please help me to gain above 2 functionality
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