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Everything posted by danoldenkampgmail.com

  1. Well that sounds like your problem. Set your SQL server to mixed mode. When you are done with setup you can disable the SQL server accounts. Also make sure the user account used to install has local admin access. (you don't have to grant Active directory access. Just local to the server.)
  2. I made an example one for you. Works fine for me without setting the Start New page property. My trick is on all reports I create a variable called nothing with an expression of "" (blank). Create a new group from the nothing variable. and sett the reports when no data type to: All sections No detail. I also always set the language from java to groovy because of issues i have seen in the past. See attachment. When I toggle from list1 to list2, only the list is visible and at the top of page. See the print when expression for the two bands: $P{SubReportSelector}=="list1" and $P{SubReportSelector}=="list2"
  3. Have you tried it yet? I have never had that problem. When I have dozen of bands down the page only 1 ever true (radio parameter) they are all at the top of the page. (or relative to the headers) If the band properties "Print when expression" does not result true I don't believe that band renders at all.
  4. Such as: where (da.v =1 and $P{P_P} = 'true') or (da.v like "" and ${P_P} = 'false') In my limited experience I have only been able to feed parameter arrays as strings into SQL if it is within a clause followed by the clause name. where $P!{example} order by $P!{example} group by $P!{example} having $P!{example}
  5. What are you feeding into the P_C string? If it's a long string value make sure to add the ! as $P! such as if you were feeding in an order by clause. order by $P!{P_C}
  6. You could try some html markup with a replace to target specific text. Set <textElement markup="html"/> of your textFieldRight click your textField and edit expression set syntax as $F{WORDS_SAMPLE}.replace( "go", "<i>"+"go"+"</i>" )I imagine you can insert styling into the field value like you can with italic html tags. $F{WORDS_SAMPLE}.replace( "<style forecolor='red'>", "<i>"+"go"+"</style>" ) https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/set-italic-font-when-condition-one-textfield https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/525818/how-change-field-color-dynamically
  7. Here is a suggestion on how I often setup numerous "sub-reports". Each band can have its own properties. One of those properties is Start New Page. I would have each dataset (subreport) in a new detail band. (right click and add detail band) You can set the condition on whether they display or not to be if the dataset contains data if you are getting any blanks you don't want.
  8. Jaspersoft studio and server render differently. The report is empty could be a lot of things. It could be that there is no data or that elements fall outside the range of the report. My typical recommendation for report is empty: 1. create a variable. Set the expression "" (just two quotation marks. This will return blank) 2. Create a new group from that variable 3. move your band elements (table or text onto the group band) 4. Set the report property: When no Data Type = All sections no detail You may still get blank. I would drag your parameters onto the band to see they are coming across correctly. Are the parameters used in the dataset query? If you like, post your jrxml
  9. Hello, Can you give us a bit more info. Are you using report level columns? Is each section a seperate report band? If two tables elements are contained within a single band, have you tried setting the band stretch type to Container bottom? Variable-Height Text Fields Because text fields have dynamic content, most of the time you can’t anticipate the exact amount of space to provide for them. If the space you reserve for your text fields is not sufficient, the text content is truncated so that it fits into the available area. This scenario is not always acceptable, so you can let the reporting engine calculate the amount of space required to display the entire content of the text field at runtime, and automatically adjust the size of the report element. To do this, set isStretchWithOverflow to true for the particular text field elements you are interested in. By doing this, you’ll ensure that if the specified height for the text field is not sufficient, it will automatically be increased (never decreased) in order to be able to display the entire text content. When text fields are affected by this stretch mechanism, the entire report section to which they belong is also stretched. If they are Text elements you may want to check Detaisl overflow and stretch with overflow. This is a good example of when working with text grid layout behavior: https://community.jaspersoft.com/blog/tip-detail-overflow-vs-stretch-overflow-jasper-reports-when-use-how-avoid-repetaitonimages-or
  10. Jaspersoft Studio and Jaspersoft Server are different. You will need to install the drivers on the server. https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/downloading-and-installing-database-drivers There are two different drivers dependent on your version of SQL (old SQL and 2005 and above SQL) Copy the JDBC driver directly onto the tomcat server path and rebooted the server to resolve. JDBC 6.0 uses the same JDBC 4.1 java libraries. Copy: sqljdbc41.jar to wherever you Tomcat library files are. Mine was installed to: C:Jaspersoftjasperreports-server-cp-7.2.0apache-tomcatlib Create connection string. Test SQL Server account before testing Active Directory integration.
  11. I believe 6.3 may be your version of Jaspersoft studio. If not you should update. What version of Jaspersoft Server? Current is 7.2. Look in jasperserver.properties jasperreportsinstallpath(often on c:)apache-tomcatwebappsjasperserverWEB-INFclasses https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/where-find-jasperreports-server-release-version-information Looks like an exception caused the service to fail. apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.invoke The Servlet.service () for servlet jsp threw an exception java.lang.IllegalStateException : I cannot create a session after performing the response at org.apache.catalina.connector.Request.doGetSession (Request.java:2784) at org.apache.catalina.connector.Request.getSession Does the service stop? You can try setting the Jasperreports Tomcat service to recover. Have you look at the server application event log for Tomcat errors? You can set Windows up so certain events trigger a script to recycle the service if the above doesn't work. https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/wincat/2011/08/25/trigger-a-powershell-script-from-a-windows-event/ Execute jasperserver batch file to stop and start. servicerun.bat servicerun.bat START
  12. We can't move the summary, but maybe we can accomplish what you are trying to do. I assume that you want to have a calculated field after the page header. Maybe you have tried this by dragging your field to the Column header and selecting a calculation (sum or count) but the result has returned NULL. This can be fixed simply by selecting changing the Evaluation time to Report. (This will calculate after the report has rendered and will no longer be NULL) Is this what you were trying to accomplish?
  13. Hello, Can you provide us a bit more insight. Are you doing this in Jaspersoft server or with the API? What data class of parameter are you passing? Let's assume you are not using an array (collection) containing multiple values. If you pass a $P{Parameter} you will pass the initial selected. If you pass a $F{Field} you will pass the selected column field for that element. (For a table, it will be the field from the row where the hyperlink is selected) When you say sub-report, do you mean that you hyperlinked an element field to another report? If it is the case of the hyperlink, does the link work work but not pass the parameters? Do you see the parameters in the URL? If the link does not work, make sure to set the link Type to ReportExecution. If you do not see the parameters, make sure you pass them in the Hyperlink parameters. Be sure to pass the Field by selecting the fild in the expression editor. $F{FieldName} Add a parameters add to indicate the sub report URL: Name: _report Expression "/reports/Parent_Folder/ReportName"
  14. Hello, Can you please clarify a bit. "My problem is that my subreports are not visible when I previsualize the main report. " What elements are you using? (ie: Text field, table, chart) What do you mean the subreport is not visible when previsualize? Do ou mean you do not see the fields in the list of the element or that the element does not render when previewing the report? Sub-reports fields are not available in Text elements. Those are reserved for main report fields. I can assume you mean when previewing. Do you have the print when properties set or transparent set? I have had display problems that were resolved by the following steps: 1. Delete the page element 2. Create a variable called anything with the expression as "" (just the two quotes. simulating blank) 3. create a group based on the variable 4. Add the page element back in the group band. 5. Set the report property When No Data Type to "All Sections No Detail
  15. You are correct that you can't have a string datatype in array IN clase. You can't replace: where $X{IN,mg.mgmt_group_description,mgmtGroup} with $X{IN,mg.mgmt_group_description,ChooseGroup} beacuse ChooseGroup is a string and only holds one string value. Use where mg.mgmt_group_description like $PChooseGroup or if you want to go crazy: add another parameter as an arrany (collection) and set it as a multiple select from list with $PChooseGroup populated as one of the list items.
  16. This was annoying me to no end, but I found a solution. I tried a number of different solutions, adjusting Tomcat Keep-alives, and setting services to restart, eventually I setteld on a task scheduled power shell that once an hour does an http requeste to keep the site alive. https://www.dnnsoftware.com/community-blog/cid/155007/creating-a-local-keep-alive-service-on-your-web-server It was consistently a problem, now it always stays up and is quick to respond.
  17. You can use the class: java.util.ArrayList or java.util.Collection are you passing the parameter to the element? Click on the element (let's say a table) Dataset > Parameters Make sure the paramater is selected in the expression.
  18. IF I am understanding you, If you don't have any values selected then the query returns as if null. I was able to recreate this. To make the element (let's say a table) not visible if the parameter is null or not set, Set the table's advanced propertey of print when visible to only display if the parameter has value. I was able to evaluate the expression correctly by checking if empty: $P{Parameter1}.isEmpty().toString()=="false" This effectively only displays the table element if the parameter is not empty.
  19. looking on the query, that's a lot of nested unions from different tables and case data. I might recommend a data expert assist with your data management into a warehouse and to normalize those conditions to make accessing your data a bit easier. I can't execute the query obviously since I don't have a connection string but it looks like more than one statements are returned. Jaspersoft will only display the first statement. Add NOCOUNT ON to the top of your query. SET NOCOUNT ON; Second I would wrap everything up in a group containing data. Create a variable maybe call it nothing. Set the default value to: "" (Just the 2 quotation marks) Create a group based on the NOTHING variable. Move everything to the group. Now I suspect it might return a blank report instead of an error. (which is a start)
  20. Have you tried opening port 8080 on the server hosting Jasper Server? https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/connect-jaspersoft-studio-jasperreports-server Maybe your hosting has that port closed. Go to CanYouSeeMe.org, put in the IP of the web server and port 8080 to see if the webserver is available on that port. https://www.canyouseeme.org/
  21. Let me see if I understand. Your sales data is like: StoreID SellerID order info fields You want to display a filter for a StoreName or SellerName for the user to filter the data? Are you asking how to create a "list" StoreID StoreName 001 StoreA 002 StoreB So you can feed the ID to the query? Sorry if I am not understanding. You would just create a parameter with an input type of List of Values. Under local resources define the list. Name is visible and Value can be fed back to the query by dragging over the parameter.
  22. First Day of last month: new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(java.util.Date.parse((MONTH(NOW( )) -1 ) + "/1/" + YEAR(NOW())) )
  23. If my users click on the first Jasper Report the page takes 3 minutes to spin up if no one has used the server in a number of hours, then it is quick. I thought it may be the Apache Tomcat, but I also notice the behavior in Jaspersoft Studio when I first expand the JasperReports Server. (I don't think serving up server resources in studio uses Tomcat but I could be wrong) Whoever wakes up "JasperReports Server" it is then good to go for a few hours. The full setup is on Windows Server 2016. I can log onto the server before attempting the startup and it doesn't improve the time (not a server going to sleep issue). I have tried a reinstall and it seems to have the same issue. My server settings are default. Jasperreports server cp 7.2.0. Maybe there is some properties or xml configuration that could alleviate this issue? Has anyone else heard of this issue?
  24. Or possible with Pro edition? I don't know, but I'd pay for that feature. If you are technically savvy you can simply add/publish your own page with the Apache Jaspersoft server: Add Tabs: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_full_page_tabs.asp and embedd a jasper report with the API: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/embedding-using-http-api
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