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Everything posted by singhdevin66

  1. This is the SOLUTION ------------------------> https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/bug-alert-apache-tomcat-9067
  2. This is the solution --------> https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/bug-alert-apache-tomcat-9067
  3. We used below settings for our JASPER 6.4 and 7.1 for SSO Header based authentication but we moving to Jasper 7.5 and It is not working anymore, do you know what changes can we make in this below one to make it work with Jasper 7.5 ? https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/configuring-ldap-using-http-headers-tibco-jasperreports-server-60-sso-framework
  4. We have used the same instructions above when we set up our JASPER 6.4 with SSO ( 99 % same instructions above, except some environmet related changes ) BUT now we have to upgrade to jasper 7.5 and when we brought the ldap-mt.xml file from old to new JASPER 7.5 and SSO and LDAP is no more working. Does anyone know the changes we need to make to JASPER 7.5 ? Any pointers will be appreciated. Thanks in advance
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