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Everything posted by chrisprabhu2

  1. Is it possible to do this? I need to know from the database whether a parameter is a boolean or collection.
  2. I have a Zebra row coloring style which alternates the row color based on row count number. It starts as white and then turns gray. I would like it to start white again after ever subreport. How do I achieve this? Currently the style uses the Conditional Expression $V{REPORT_COUNT}%2 == 0
  3. You create subreport element and follow the step by step instructions. It's very simple. You can follow the instructions here: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-studio-user-guide/v630/understanding-subreports
  4. Hello, I am currently using a multitude of Text Fields in order to achieve aesthetic columns. However I would like to combine all of these Text Fields into a single Text Field to make use of the Stretch With OverFlow option so the Page Header band can be expanded or shrunk dynamically. Is it possible to format the single Text Field to make the data appear like it does on the right side of the example? The left is what I am able to achieve with a single TextField but the right is what I would like to achieve. Example Image: Thank you!
  5. I was successfully able to use the format $X{IN, column_name, list_parameter_name}[/code]in a simple report query with java.util.collection parameter: Select * from table where $X{IN, column_name, list_parameter_name}[/code]However when I try to use $X{IN, column_name, list_parameter_name}[/code]inside the quotes of a dynamic query I get an error message: declare @sql_query nvarchar(4000)set @sql_query = 'select * from wo_hdr where $X{IN, wg_name, wg_name_list} ' EXEC sp_executesql @sql_query"Error preparing statement for executing the report query: Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid parameter index 1. "[/code]I tried putting the parameter inside an SQL variable but it says the parameter type is not supposed in a query. I tried using $P!{wg_name_list}[/code]instead but then the list is concatenated with [] brackets instead of () so the query gets a syntax error. Does anyone know how to get this done? Thanks, Chris
  6. I found a working solution. It's not ideal but it gets the job done. I put a subreport with the detail band that I want into the summary band of the main report.
  7. I would like to add a Detail band to the last page. This page will iterate through some fields as part of a detailed summary. The Last Page band and Summary band won't iterate through a field like the Detail band will. Does anyone know how to create a Detail band which only starts on the last page? Thank you, Chris
  8. Ok I found the problem and solution. Changing Increment Type from 'report' to 'none' made the totals sum correctly. Shazam!
  9. Albeit it is an old video I followed instructions given here: However on my report I only get the value of the last row in the group instead of the total sum of the values in the group. I am trying to sum act_qty group by it_code. Does anyone know what's going on here? Thanks, Chris
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