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  1. I haven't seen any explanations on how to format json data into groups to power charts in Jasper and I am struggling to work out how to do it. I have json data with one field, "gender" and it is a string with two values M or F. I need to be able to group the data and then produce a pie chart to show the proportions of M and F. The two options I thought might be solutions would be: Create groups using jsonql in the Dataset and Query dialog.Create a group in the main report and create a "count" field in the footer to tally it up and then use this in the chartHowever I cannot find any way to do the above or if I am even on the right track. Does anyone know how to this? Thanks!
  2. Sounds like you need to change the Class Type of the "value" Field from java.lang.String to java.lang.Integer (or other number format if required). You can do this in the Dataset and Query editor.
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