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  1. Changed Severity from Minor to Major Changed Resolution from Unable to Reproduce to Open Changed Status from Resolved to New
  2. I have the same problem in a different condition. I'm generating a report in Excel format. The property net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.one.page.per.sheet is set to TRUE. I included a page break at the end of the last group footer. There's a subreport defined in the Summary band. It works OK, putting the subreport in another sheet. The subreport as the main report, has a detail band, a group footer band and a subreport (which is a chart) in the Summary band. If I insert a page break at the end of the subreport's group footer , or if I stick it into the summary before the sub-subreport, the program goes thru an infinite loop, otherwise it works OK, putting the two subreports on the same sheet.
  3. I'm using Ireport 4.7.0. I start a report thru a groovy call passing java.util list. The main report passes a csv datasource to a subreport. It works Ok and the report generates an Excel file, where the subreport is placed into a separate sheet of the .xls file. The problem is that I need to delete this file after generating the report. How can I do this? I get an error message saying the file is in use by JAVA Platform SE Binary.
  4. I have the same problem. I followed the instructions below, my subreport works fine with the csv as the default datasource, but when I embed it into the main report, it simply does nothing. The subreport prints no data at all. The last tip below says: Put your subreport in the main report and pass the parameters to it. I ask, what parameters?
  5. I'm using iReport generating output in Excel. I have a field defined with type list which comes with, say, 10 values, each to appear in columns 0 - 9. I can access each value of this list using $F{fieldname}.get(0) , (1), (2) ... (9). I would like to know if it's possible to sum these 10 columns into one variable of type list, instead of defining 10 different variables, one for each colum. I've tried a lot of different combinations of definitions, with no success. Thanks.
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