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Everything posted by george.labuschagne

  1. Good day I have a table that looks like this: CREATE TABLE reviews ( review_aid bigserial NOT NULL, reviewed text NOT NULL, q1 int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, q2 int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, q3 int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, q4 int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, q5 int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, q6 int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, q7 int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, q8 int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, q9 int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, q10 int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT review_aid_pk PRIMARY KEY (review_aid)) The table contains a couple of thousand unique reviews. Each reviewed needs to be presented on its own A4 page with a bar chart where: The heading of the bar chart is the field reviewedFields q1 to q10 contains an integer rating raging from 0 - 10Each bar chart, for each reviewed must thus have 10 bars, where bar number 1 is the value from field q1 in the DB, and bar number 2 is the value from the field q2 from the DB; and so on until bar 10 contains the value of field q10 for this specific record.Now for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to define the series for this bar chart in Jasper Reports. Is this possible to do?
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