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Everything posted by antmanlfe

  1. I am trying to give a report anonymous access so a user with ROLE_ANONYMOUS can run the embedded report. For the report i have set its permission and all sub components for ROLE_ANONYMOUS to have 'Read Only' access however i keep getting 'You do not have permission to view this page' In my url i have added in '&j_username=anonymousUser&j_password=' and this works fine for my other user. I have also tried setting ROLE_ANONYMOUS to have 'Administer' access as well and it still says i dont have permission so i am not sure where i am going wrong.
  2. Hi have a cascading input setup on my report. My second input uses and $X{IN} query based on the first inputs results. The issue is if the first input is not set then then the second query returns all results as the ${X} in has no vaalue to filter by. Is there a way i can block this input untill there is a selection on the first input? Either a dependancy or something like $P{param}.size()>0 in the query so that it returns nothing?
  3. I found them! Running on windows as a service they are in apache-tomecatlogsjasperreportstomcat-stdout.'datastamp'.log
  4. The only log file in that directory is the jasperserver.log and a readme.txt In the apache-tomcatlogs folder there is nothing thats been modified recently
  5. Where could i find the output of a scriptlet that prints to console whilst running inside of a jasper server? Currently i monitor the apache-tomcatwebacppsjasperserverWEB-INFlogsjasperserver.log however this does not display any scriptlet output for me.
  6. Hi, I am making a jar for a scriplet to use in a report in jaspersoft studio. In the scriplet i am running an SQL query and averaging the result into 15 minute increments. I am having a hard time trying to work out how to put this results into the detail column of the report so that it gets iterated in the report. How can i convert my array into a usable object that the report can use to display the result in the detail band?
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