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Everything posted by steven.song

  1. Hello, We are trying to create a report using crosstabs in Jaspersoft Studio - we are on 7.1 The issue we are facing is that some of our crosstab column header cells exceed the length of a page. As a result this stretches the page of the report (which we do not want as it needs to be printable). If we unselect "Ignore Pagination" we get an infinite loop error. Is there a way to split the row/cells so that the contents are distributed over multiple page?
  2. Add a textfield which displays the parameter passed.
  3. I would look to see if you have some overlapping elements. In my experience I have found a similar situation where the html preview or pdf export are okay, but the word is blanking out because of the overlap
  4. On the DB the questions, answers and notes are all on different tables so I'm using joins to get the data together. The joins return rows with no nulls as none of them are left. There are additional joins as well. Would like to avoid manipulating the data in MSSQL if possible.
  5. I am trying to create a report for a questionnaire in JapserStudio. This questionnaire allows for multiple question types: Yes/No, Multiple Choice, Select Multiple etc. I'm running into an issue where for a question with a select multiple answer - they are also allowed to add a note to a question. I can have the question note successfully display after the first of the multiple answers but would of course prefer it to appear at the very end. ie: This is what is happening now Question 1Answer 1 for Question 1 Note for Question 1 Answer 2 for Question 1 Answer 3 for Question 1Question 2Answer 1 for Question 2What I would like to happen Question 1Answer 1 for Question 1 Answer 2 for Question 1 Answer 3 for Question 1 Note for Question 1Question 2Answer 1 for Question 2Anyone have any suggestions on how I might accomplish this? Thanks
  6. Have your main dataset grab all the required fields and then drag/arrange/resize the fields into the detail band. If doing it in a table with a sub dataset, there are group footers that you can add where this information can be placed.
  7. You could try starting the where for the second input control with a 1=2 followed by an OR for all your X In parameters. ie: SELECT Orders, OrderId, Country, City from OrderList where 1 = 2 or ($X{IN, Country, listFromFirstInputControl} )
  8. Add Break elements where you want it to split, as page (not column). Also ensure that it is set to Float and not to fixed so that it can move with the data.
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