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  1. Hi JS-newbie, Even i'm facing the same problem. If you find any solution please reply or ansewer your post. Thank you.
  2. Hi, I had a summary and detail report working fine in the Jasper server, i had unchecked the Always prompt option in the Control & Resources property tab of the Detail report in the Jasper server to directly run the detail report when called from the Summary report without waiting for the parameters values to apply. But now i would like to use my detail report in both ways as a drill through report and also as an individual report, for running the detail report individually i'm supposed to apply the parameter values before it run, but i had disabled the Always prompt option, so the report runs with default value before i apply the input parameters. Is there any way so that i can input the parameters when i ran the report individually and without applying the parameters when the report was called form a summary report?
  3. Hi every one, I want to have a report in which a single element (say a chart) having multiple hyperlinks to more than 1 report. Is it possible in Jasper reports if yes, please help me with this. Thank you in advance. Adithya.
  4. Hi Hozawa, Thank you for your reply, Can you please tell me how can we migrate the SampleDB in the studio to the server or please provide me any links that teach me how i can do that.
  5. Hi all, I'm quite new to the Jasper Reports, I had build a sample report in JasperSoft Studio (v 6.6.0) with available SampleDB data connection in the studio and deployed the report in to the Jasper Server, provided data source connection from Repository (/datasources/JServerJNDIDS). While we tried to run the report we are getting the following error message! Error MessageThere was an error on the server. Try again or contact site administrators. (Error UID: 8ef49434-da85-49ff-a0fc-f4eb65abf4f4) Plase help me to know where the things getting wrong. Thanks in advance.
  6. I had been struck with the same problem from last 1 week, is it possible to build Interactive reports using the community edition? I was glad if any of you guys can direct me with some videos of creating Interactive reports in the studio & later publishing it into the server. please provide me with some guidelines. Thanks in advance.
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