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Everything posted by importnumpyasnp

  1. For jdbc data source, the addition of the defaultReadOnly property works on JRS 7.2 using postgres db.
  2. Hello, have you found any solutions to this issue? Please let me know as I'm interested. If I find anything I'll be back to post the answer.
  3. This may be a bit late but I have found a work around. Instead of using a Date, Datetime, or Timestamp data type field for the "date", use a String data type. If you're using a SQL query for the topic, just use: cast(date as varchar)[/code]From all the research I've done, I've noticed that date data types are automatically converted to a different format that isn't liked by other input controls/filters. Pass the String version of the date into the date filter/input control and it should work.
  4. Are there any updates from this? I'm interested in finding a method to not send error reports when scheduled.
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