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  1. I would like to know if there is a way to edit a report schedule, without the report schedule executing before it's next due to execute. Usually, when you make an amendment to a report schedule, lets say, removing a notification recipient, when you click save, the report schedule will automatically execute. This is frustrating for our stakeholders as they do not want to recieve additional reports when they are not expected. Any help is highly appreciated. Kurt.
  2. Hi, I have built a set of reports, that contain multiple Input controls (Single select queries, Single Values) and i am having a little trouble understanding how to configure them properly. I would like the user to be able to use the Input controls as they please; i.e they can either use a single input control, or more than one input control (as long as there are records that match the criteria). I decided not to use the 'AND' operator, as the user would need to satisfy all criteria in the WHERE clause. My WHERE clause is as follows: WHERE ( rsk.risk_key = $P{RISKID} OR ch.investment_key = $P{PROJECTNAME} OR pa.investment_key = $P{PROGRAMME} OR ch.investment_manager_key = $P{PROJMAN} OR rsk.rim_status_key = $P{RISKSTATUS} OR rp.rim_priority_key = $P{RISKPRIORITY} OR rpb.rim_probability_key = $P{RESRAGPROB} OR imp.rim_impact_key = $P{RESRAGIMP} OR rsk.owner_key = $P{RISKOWNER} OR rsk.act_owners_key = $P{ACTIONOWNER} ) AND ch.investment_key = rsk.investment_key AND rsk.risk_id IS NOT NULL AND prj.is_program = CASE WHEN $P{ISPROGRAMME} = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AND rsk.rim_status_key != 'CLOSED' ORDER BY rsk.risk_id ASC, ch.investment_name ASC )x WHERE $X{IN, res_risk_rag_key, RESRAGSTATUS } This does not work for me, because: 1. If the user selects a value for $P{RISKSTATUS} and a value for $P{RESRAGPROB}, this will not work. 2. If the user selects a value for $X{IN, res_risk_rag_key, RESRAGSTATUS }, this will not work unless a value is added in another input control. Appreciate any answers! Thankyou for your time.
  3. Hi, I have built a set of reports, that contain multiple Input controls (Single select queries, Single Values) and i am having a little trouble understanding how to configure them properly. I would like the user to be able to use the Input controls as they please; i.e they can either use a single input control, or more than one input control (as long as there are records that match the criteria). I decided not to use the 'AND' operator, as the user would need to satisfy all criteria in the WHERE clause. My WHERE clause is as follows: WHERE ( rsk.risk_key = $P{RISKID} OR ch.investment_key = $P{PROJECTNAME} OR pa.investment_key = $P{PROGRAMME} OR ch.investment_manager_key = $P{PROJMAN} OR rsk.rim_status_key = $P{RISKSTATUS} OR rp.rim_priority_key = $P{RISKPRIORITY} OR rpb.rim_probability_key = $P{RESRAGPROB} OR imp.rim_impact_key = $P{RESRAGIMP} OR rsk.owner_key = $P{RISKOWNER} OR rsk.act_owners_key = $P{ACTIONOWNER} ) AND ch.investment_key = rsk.investment_key AND rsk.risk_id IS NOT NULL AND prj.is_program = CASE WHEN $P{ISPROGRAMME} = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AND rsk.rim_status_key != 'CLOSED' ORDER BY rsk.risk_id ASC, ch.investment_name ASC )x WHERE $X{IN, res_risk_rag_key, RESRAGSTATUS } This does not work for me, because: 1. If the user selects a value for $P{RISKSTATUS} and a value for $P{RESRAGPROB}, this will not work. 2. If the user selects a value for $X{IN, res_risk_rag_key, RESRAGSTATUS }, this will not work unless a value is added in another input control. Appreciate any answers! Thankyou for your time.
  4. Hi Robsil, Thank you for the help. The CR ID's are not unique to the system, however I believe they are unique to the Project; i.e you can have many CR ID's named 001, but only one named 001 can be added to a particular Project. I must admit, at the moment I am using a single select query. I will try turning into a multi-select and see if it helps. Part of my question was what you have mentioned in your 2nd paragraph, you have just phrased it much better than I did! lol When you say 'query still pulls things back if both are blank.', what do you mean? If no parameters are set, then the report shouldn't return data should it? Thanks
  5. Hi Robsil, Thank you for the help. The CR ID's are not unique to the system, however I believe they are unique to the Project; i.e you can have many CR ID's named 001, but only one named 001 can be added to a particular Project. I must admit, at the moment I am using a single select query. I will try turning into a multi-select and see if it helps. Part of my question was what you have mentioned in your 2nd paragraph, you have just phrased it much better than I did! lol When you say 'query still pulls things back if both are blank.', what do you mean? If no parameters are set, then the report shouldn't return data should it? Thanks
  6. Hi All, I have two input controls; Project ID and Change Request ID. I have created a cascading input control that displays all Change Request ID's that are related to a Project selected in the previous Input control. I am wondering if it is possible to specify in the where clause that a user can use the Input controls as above, or simply select all Change Request ID's related to a Project by using only the Project Input control? Currently, my WHERE clause is as below. I believe this is where my issue lies. WHERE (inv.investment_key = $P{PROJECTID} AND cr.change_request_key = $P{CRID}) OR cr.investment_key = $P{PROJECTID}
  7. We currently have the Commercial version, through our subscription to CA PPM SaaS. Can you please advise on the above query, and what security patches have been applied?
  8. We currently have the Commercial version, through our subscription to CA PPM SaaS. Can you please advise on the above query, and what security patches have been applied?
  9. Link to community article in question: https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/1100966/security-finding-cve-2018-5382-jasperreports We are currently seeking approval from our security team for Jaspersoft Studio 6.4.2 to bypass the web gateways and connect direct. be carried out until we can confirm that the security finding CVE-2018-5382 has been addressed. Do the patch notes of JS 6.4.2 (or previous versions if addressed some time ago) that is intended for deployment contain explicit reference to CVE-2018-5382?What version of org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:XX is used with Jaspersoft 6.4.2?Thanks.
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