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Everything posted by albert.wang

  1. Hi all I am trying to create an interactive dashboard or report by using Jaspersoft BI 6.4.2 commercial edition. Requirement Let's say I have two charts in the same dashboard/report, one is a pie chart and another one is a table. I want to change the content of the table by clicking a slice in the pie chart. For example, the pie chart shows customer's names and their total orders. The table shows order details of some customers. If I click customer Tom in the pie chart, I want to see Tom's orders details. One extra requirement is that I do not want to refresh the whole dashboard/report. What I have tried By using a Jaspersoft Studio report I created a report with two datasets and two charts. I created a parameter and used it in the SQL query in the table chart dataset so changing the parameter could change the content of the table. But then I don't know how to make the pie chart and the table chart connected. Or how to add a click event or hyperlink in the pie chart to update the parameter and refresh the table chart. By using a JasperReports Server dashboard I created a dashboard with two dashlets (two Jaspersoft Studio reports). In the table report I created a parameter and used it in the SQL query in the table chart dataset so changing the parameter could change the content of the table. But then I don't know how to make the pie dashlet and the table dashlet connected. Or how to add a click event or hyperlink in the pie dashlet to update the parameter and refresh the table dashlet. So my question is: How to update value of parameters by clicking in HTML 5 charts (might via Hyperlink). Thank yuou.
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