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Kevin MIT

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  1. You are right in the interpretation of my question. I really thought it would be possible by any trick I wasn't aware yet but at least now I know it wasn't a lack of knowledge. Thanks for your help, I really appreciated.
  2. Thanks for your answer. That's what I did until now to deal with the problem. But it doesn't solve it. In this case, the static colon text may be very far from the largest label text: veryLongLabel3 : But it's supposed to be right after.
  3. Hi there, I seem to encounter a problem nobody had before with Jaspersoft Studio: Let's say that you have many lines that display data like this: label1 : value1 label2 : value2 ... Because labels are generated dynamically (depending on user's language), they don't have a fixed size. I'd like to align every " : " depending on the largest label: label1 : label2 : veryLongLabel3 : ... It seems that there is litterally no option to do that trick. Maybe I've missed a very simple option but which one? If not, how would you do to have this kind on alignment ? Thanks for your help!
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