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  1. I have created a Jasper ETL Job to export the Report in PDF and XLSX formats and scheduled to respective clients using Jasper REST API I am exporting the Reports in PDF and xlsx Exports as well Here for one of the Report(returns 600 pages of Data) i am trying to export in xlsx ,in this way i am getting "export.execution.rejected" error and the API i am using as follows /jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/reports/<folder name>/report1.xlsx Error: 400 null <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><errorDescriptor><errorCode>export.execution.rejected</errorCode><message>Index: 0, Size: 0</message></errorDescriptor> [ERROR]: mosodataloading_latest.getunzippedreports_0_2.GetUnzippedReports - tHttpRequest_4 - 400 null <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><errorDescriptor><errorCode>export.execution.rejected</errorCode><message>Index: 0, Size: 0</message></errorDescriptor> Can some help on this ,it would be very helpful to us
  2. Hello, I am also facing the same issue but I haven't used any subreports and not applied print when expression also. In one report only I have few charts and tables. I am able to excuete the report in jaspersoft studio but in jasper server I am getting error. Please help me Thanks Ramu
  3. Hello, I am authenticating to the jasper server using rest API in eclipse. In jasper server 7.1.0 version, authenticating with rest API giving 404 error. As suggested, I have tried using spring security check but I am unable to get the cookies. How I can fetch cookies from the response with spring security authentication?
  4. Hello, To Schedule a report using rest api, we can pass descriptor either in XML or JSON format. I have tried with below XML and it worked for me. Use the below XML code as a descriptor. If you want JSON only then you can convert the XML into JSON <job> <baseOutputFilename>AllAccounts</baseOutputFilename> <description>sample</description> <label>sample</label> <outputFormats><outputFormat>HTML</outputFormat></outputFormats> <outputLocale></outputLocale> <source><reportUnitURI>/public/Samples/Reports/13g.TopFivesReport</reportUnitURI></source> <repositoryDestination> <folderURI>/public/Samples/Reports/13g.TopFivesReport</folderURI> <outputDescription></outputDescription> <overwriteFiles>false</overwriteFiles> <sequentialFilenames>false</sequentialFilenames> <version>0</version> </repositoryDestination> <simpleTrigger> <startDate>2018-04-04T17:28:03.598+05:30</startDate> <timezone>Asia/Calcutta</timezone> <version>0</version> <occurrenceCount>1</occurrenceCount> </simpleTrigger> <version>0</version> </job>
  5. Hello, In your xml descriptor file you haven't specified the source resource URI and output format should be added with in one more tag. I have tried the below xml and it worked for me. <job> <baseOutputFilename>AllAccounts</baseOutputFilename> <description>sample</description> <label>sample</label> <outputFormats><outputFormat>HTML</outputFormat></outputFormats> <outputLocale></outputLocale> <source><reportUnitURI>/public/Samples/Reports/13g.TopFivesReport</reportUnitURI></source> <repositoryDestination> <folderURI>/public/Samples/Reports</folderURI> <outputDescription></outputDescription> <overwriteFiles>false</overwriteFiles> <sequentialFilenames>false</sequentialFilenames> <version>0</version> </repositoryDestination> <simpleTrigger> <startDate>2018-04-04T17:28:03.598+05:30</startDate> <timezone>Asia/Calcutta</timezone> <version>0</version> <occurrenceCount>1</occurrenceCount> </simpleTrigger> <version>0</version> </job>
  6. Hello, In your xml descriptor file you haven't specified the source resource URI and output format should be added with in one more tag. I have tried the below xml and it worked for me. <job> <baseOutputFilename>AllAccounts</baseOutputFilename> <description>sample</description> <label>sample</label> <outputFormats><outputFormat>HTML</outputFormat></outputFormats> <outputLocale></outputLocale> <source><reportUnitURI>/public/Samples/Reports/13g.TopFivesReport</reportUnitURI></source> <repositoryDestination> <folderURI>/public/Samples/Reports</folderURI> <outputDescription></outputDescription> <overwriteFiles>false</overwriteFiles> <sequentialFilenames>false</sequentialFilenames> <version>0</version> </repositoryDestination> <simpleTrigger> <startDate>2018-04-04T17:28:03.598+05:30</startDate> <timezone>Asia/Calcutta</timezone> <version>0</version> <occurrenceCount>1</occurrenceCount> </simpleTrigger> <version>0</version> </job>
  7. We created a sample dashboard using two reports in jasper server. Embedded the same dashboard in web application using 2 methods - Iframe visualize.js When we tested these dashboards for responsiveness in different screen sizes like laptop, tablet and mobile, the responsiveness is limited. The panels / charts do resize, but the usablity / readability at low screen sizes is impacted, data is not visible. Posting some screen shots for the same. IFrame embeddding Laptop Screen http://www.helicaltech.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/iframe-laptop.png Lower Screensize http://www.helicaltech.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/iframe-mobile.png 2. Visualize JS embedding Laptop Screen - http://www.helicaltech.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/visualize-laptop.png Lower screen size Opened the same dashboard in mobile view. Panels are compressed and data is not visible, there is lot of space at the bottom, Right side should come at the bottom then it looks nice and data will be visible to the users. http://www.helicaltech.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/visualize-mobile.png Questions Can we improve the responsiveness of these dashboards ? Is there a way the panels re-arrange and do not just re-size ? Can we inject some CSS like bootstrap or any other java-script to do that? Are there any improvements expected in newer jasper versions ?
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