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  1. We are using jasper version 6.6 we have cross tab used to output data in excel format. the number of row are 500 and columns are 68. With memory capacity of 2GB the process fails with out of memory. However if we reduce the number of columns to around 50 the conversion is successful. We have posted the same query on stack overflow too. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56484245/why-do-jasperreport-with-crosstab-output-to-excel-fails-with-large-number-of-col Appreciate if someone can please guide. Thanks, Anjana.
  2. We have similar requirement and want to understand how can large report output possible using crosstab. We have posted a query on stack overflow too. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56484245/why-do-jasperreport-with-crosstab-output-to-excel-fails-with-large-number-of-col Appreciate if someone pls guide on same. Thanks Anjana
  3. I have a input json in this structure { "values": [ { "product": { "name": "bags", "location": "MainMarket ", "id": "1002" }, "quarters": [{ "quarter": "1Q 2019", "months": [{ "month": "march", "purchase": 100 }, { "month": "april", "purchase": 100 } ] }, { "quarter": "2Q 2019", "months": [ { "month": "april", "purchase": 100 } ] } ] }, { "product": { "name": "shoes", "location": "MainMarket ", "id": "1001" }, "quarters": [{ "quarter": "1Q 2019", "months": [{ "month": "march", "purchase": 200 }, { "month": "april", "purchase": 300 } ] }, { "quarter": "2Q 2019", "months": [ { "month": "april", "purchase": 500 } ] } ] } ] } For every product there exist its quarter and its quarter purchase like below. Productquartermarchaprilbags1Q100100 Productquarterapril shoes2Q200 When using group with crosstab the data is not displayed as group instead only the last line is displaying. Productquarteraprilbags1Q200can using jsonql we group the display of data based on quarter. Thanks Anjana
  4. did you get this working i am too looking at this option https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53351526/call-custom-java-function-from-jrxml-passing-the-parent-object-reference
  5. did you get solution on merging generated xls using jasper. we are also looking for same.
  6. i am using jasper version 6.5.0 i am unable to use list within row group of crosstab. it is not able to map datasource. where can i find example of list within crosstab
  7. this is solved by folllowing technique described here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52965617/jasper-converting-list-of-values-of-json-to-comma-separated-values-using-jsonql/52977278?noredirect=1#comment93055335_52977278
  8. Hi, I am too looking for removing empty space withing cellContents of rowgroup in cross tab. This cell content has multiple text field which are displayed conditionally using printwhenexpression . when the value are to be displayed there is empty space within cell content. we want to remove that space. can you pls let us know if you are able to get the empty space remove without detail band print when expression
  9. Changed Priority from Normal to Urgent Changed Severity from Minor to Block Changed Reproducibility from Not Attempted to Sometimes Changed Status from Acknowledged to New which version the option of remove blank cell on crosstabCell supported. We have urgent requirement to remove blank line when a text field is hidden based on printwhenexpression in crosstab row group. We are currently getting blank space in row group for which the text field is hidden
  10. any update on this issue https://community.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-library/issues/4626 for above issue
  11. I have a json as below "markets": [ { "id": "1001", "name": "val1" }, { "id": "1002", "name": "Val2" }, { "id": "1003", "name": "val3" } ] I am trying to display as following in jasper jrxml text fields val1, Val2, val3. i defined my field expression as follow <field name="market" class="java.lang.String"> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.jsonql.field.expression" value="markets*.name"/> <textField isStretchWithOverflow="true"> <reportElement x="80" y="40" width="100" height="16" uuid="903a6728-3a7a-4d1a-9b70-cd8da7a11c7f"/> <textElement> <font size="9"/> </textElement> <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{market}]]></textFieldExpression> </textField> However only one value is displayed i.e. val1. how to display list of values. as val1,val2,val3 into single text field Thanks, Anjana
  12. Hi have below json "markets": [ { "id": "1001", "name": "val1" }, { "id": "1002", "name": "Val2" }, { "id": "1003", "name": "val3" } ] I wanted to display name field into single text fields with comma separated value. I tried declaring variable as follows <variable name="allVall" class="java.lang.String"> <variableExpression><![CDATA[($V{allVall} != null)?($V{allVall} + $F{name}) :( $F{name})]]></variableExpression> </variable> then using the variable in text field as <jr:listContents height="20" width="119"> <textField isStretchWithOverflow="true" evaluationTime="Report"> <reportElement stretchType="ElementGroupHeight" x="0" y="0" width="119" height="20" uuid="35355db6-36be-47f3-b346-ba1f5e5c6919"> <property name="com.jaspersoft.layout.grid.weight.fixed" value="false"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.style.box.pen.lineStyle" value="Solid"/> </reportElement> <box> <pen lineWidth="1.0" lineStyle="Solid"/> <topPen lineWidth="1.0" lineStyle="Solid" lineColor="#000000"/> <leftPen lineWidth="1.0" lineStyle="Solid" lineColor="#000000"/> <bottomPen lineWidth="1.0" lineStyle="Solid" lineColor="#000000"/> <rightPen lineWidth="1.0" lineStyle="Solid" lineColor="#000000"/> </box> <textElement verticalAlignment="Middle"> <font fontName="Arial" size="10"/> </textElement> <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$V{allVall}]]></textFieldExpression> </textField> </jr:listContents> however still values are displayed as text fields in list component as multiple text fields. I want single text fields with comma separated value. can someone pls guide on same. Thanks, Anjana.
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