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Everything posted by gfiehler

  1. I see that the Jaspersoft Server has a JDBC driver for Saleforce and allows ad hoc reports, can I use the same driver and copy it to Jaspersoft Studio to develop reports against Salesforce? If not is there a way to use Studio to write reports against Salesforce. Thank you, Gregg
  2. Unfortunately I am looking for a manaul sort for an order than might not be standard, so I cannot use the query. If my list is 1,2,3,4,5 the user might want to run it as 3,4,1,5,2 so no natural sort order. In studio, when running a report with a parameter of type collection, it displays my default value list but has buttons to move items UP/DOWN the list to change order, but in Server, it only allows the multi-select of items in the list, no order change.
  3. When working in studio and you have a parameter of type collection , when you preview the report the input control lists my default values and the input control allows items to be moved UP and DOWN to change the order of the list. Is there an equivalent Input Control on Jasper Server? Basically I have a list of items, but want the ability to change the order of the list when I run the report. Thank you Gregg
  4. Thank you for your reponses. I am now working with a Crossbtab but do not understand how this will solve the issue. Working with my table above in the crosstab I set the column group to "Col Header 1" field, This seems to give me my dynamic columns based on Col Header 1 values. But after that I am in the dark. I have no row groups, all columns are equal and there are no calculations, I just need to display the field data horizontally instead of vertically. Please let me know if I am missing something. On another track, I tried to a regular table and use the Horizontal layout, but that made no difference to the report at all. Any help is always greatly appreciated. Gregg
  5. I am calling a stored procedure that returns a table something like Col header 1Col Header 2Col Header 3row header 1value 1value 2row header 2value 3value 4My report should look like Row Header 1 Row Header 2 Col Header 2 value 1 value 3 Col Header 3 value 3 value 4 basically switched rows and columns. the actual data has 30+ columns and 3 rows returned. so I need 30 plus rows and 3 columns in my output. I have put the report fields in the summary section, but all I can access is the first row of data. Is there a way to handle this situation, or does the stored proc need to return the data differently? Thanks for any assistance Gregg
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