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Everything posted by rahul.meena

  1. Changed Severity from Minor to Text Changed Reproducibility from N/A to Sometimes Changed Resolution from Won't Fix to Reopened Changed Status from Resolved to New Changed Assigned User from @swood to @atan where can I find the "visible" property in Input Control to hide/show input control?
  2. could we give users the ability to create copies of a report schedule? This is one scenario where a user said it can come in handy. A coordinator tends to create a scheduled report for a specific user. When they're done creating the scheduled report for one user, instead of creating a similar schedule from scratch for another user, they would like to create a copy of the report schedule and have the ability to change a few options around, such as the filter selection and email address.
  3. I would like to fetch JasperReports Server saved input control values options to my visualize application. I found two ways to get it done 1. using JRSClient.resourcesSearch({ types: [ "reportOptions"], folderUri: "/public", limit: 2000, recursive: true, sortBy: "label", success: dosomething, error: function (err) { alert(err); } }); but this way I will be getting the folder level options not the report level 2. and second through ajax call giving the report level URL. anyway this will also not be working as I am trying to give server URL from local and it will give me error No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:1789' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 401. How can I achieve this?
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