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Everything posted by joaoflima.6

  1. Hi there, I'm just started with Jaspersoft Studio and I'm facing a really annoying issue. I want to create a report with a line chart to show the number of the tickets created per hour, for the last 7 hours. I wrote the SQL query, it's running well and returning the expected results when executed on SQL Server Management Studio. When I create the report using the query as the dataset, it works fine in Preview mode but when it comes to the web browser it returns this error: An error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator. (6632)Here is the SQL query: WITH all_hours AS ( SELECT DISTINCT number, 0 tickets FROM master..spt_values WHERE number BETWEEN DATEPART(HOUR, dateadd(S, DATEDIFF(SECOND, '19700101', SYSDATETIME()), '1970-01-01')) - 7 AND DATEPART(HOUR, dateadd(S, DATEDIFF(SECOND, '19700101', SYSDATETIME()), '1970-01-01')) ) SELECT CONCAT(CAST(ah.number AS VARCHAR), 'h') AS hora, SUM(CASE WHEN cr.open_date > DATEDIFF(SECOND, '19700101', SYSDATETIME()) - (3600*7) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS tickets FROM all_hours ah LEFT JOIN call_req cr ON ah.number = DATEPART(HOUR, dateadd(S, cr.open_date, '1970-01-01')) GROUP BY ah.number; I read that this error message can be related to the SQL query, but it's running fine on SQL Server Management Studio, I think it should run fine as well on Jasper. Can anyone help me with this problem? Thanks in advance. Greetings, João
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