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Everything posted by glenarvand

  1. Hi There, we are using JasperSoft (Pro) 7 and enabling this option (and restarting the service) does not enable the selection to save scheduled reports to the filesystem. Is there anything I missed to enable besides of the setting in applicationContext.xml[/code]? Cheers!
  2. Hi, not sure which version you are relating to (especially also this of the JDK used), though since we (with JS Reports Server 6.2.1) switched from the ConcMarkSweepGC to GC1 we do see a massive performance improvement in general (GC1 can be used starting with JDK 8). The back side is, that once an ad hoc report/view has not been used for a while (hours, days), it takes some minutes to initally see any output. Once it's "loaded" the subsequent access of this ad hoc report / view is fast again. Now we are trying to identify what causes the "offload" and how make it not to happen - feedback from your guys is very appreciated! Cheers, Sebastian
  3. Hi Community, I'm having a hard time with a Studio-report deployed to JS-Server (6.2.1) which when I'm trying to delete, edit, cut responses with this error message: No row with the given identifier exists: [com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.service.impl.hibernate.persistent.RepoInputControl#[/code]I couldn't find any chance to progress here - so any hints / advices are very welcome. Best regards!
  4. Please have a look here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6507903/changing-the-resource-location-of-an-existing-eclipse-project This worked for me. Cheers!
  5. Hi Finally my problem was solved using the expression user_id = '$P!{LoggedInUsername}' instead of $P{LoggedInUsername} in the WHERE-part of my query. Cheers, Sebastian
  6. Hi, I am using JasperSoft Reports 6.2.1 and when running a report within the Studio preview the output comes after 2 seconds. Running the same report (output xlsx) on the server takes > half a minute - though there is no data volume issue (crosstab, 500 lines, 17 columns in excel, "ignore pagination" = true). I am using "$P{LoggedInUsername}" to filter data (based on the user's rights), run the report and realized, when using a fixed value (the user's id string) instead of the parameter in the query, the report execution speed is good. Same against Oracle DB from SQL Developer - the query resultset with a user's id string is back in 2 sec. Once switching back to the parameter in the query, the report takes ages again on the server and runs out of heap in the Studio. Any ideas to share? Advices really appreciated! Cheers, Sebastian
  7. What worked for me was to remove all comments within the query. see also https://community.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-library/issues/6526 HTH.
  8. Hi, same error for me - to be precise: I am getting the error with the Oracle JDBC (7) driver in Studio Pro 621. With the Tibco JDBC driver for Oracle I am getting another error net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Error preparing statement for executing the report query: WITH alloc AS ( SELECT... The same query works when using SQLDeveloper. Ideas for solution are very welcome! Kind regards, Sebastian
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