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Everything posted by jphiloon

  1. Thank you. In my case, however, it made no difference. I am missing the left vertical border. I suspect it somehow relates to a column in the table being of type html, and in that text there is a font size change to 12 from the default of 10. Just guessing on that. As mentioned, this only affects docx exports - other formats are fine.
  2. I got the server working by: a) copying up the jar that contained the custom expression, b) modifying the .jrxml file to import the custom class and c) also qualifying the CCS2HTML expression as per <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[util.CSS2HTML($F{COMMENT} )]]></textFieldExpression>
  3. The problem as per the log is 2018-02-06 13:44:55,324 ERROR GenericExceptionMapper,http-nio-8080-exec-2:50 - Unexpected error occurs net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: 1. The method CSS2HTML(String) is undefined for the type Comments_1517942694193_850454 value = CSS2HTML(((java.lang.String)field_COMMENT.getValue()) ); //$JR_EXPR_ID=21$
  4. I created a custom expression function by following the instructions here: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/jaspersoft-studio-expression-editor-how-extend-it-and-contribute-your-own-functions-part-2-0 This works fine and I can preview a report using the custom expression in JSS 6.5.1. Now, how do I install the expression on the server? I can create and upload a jar, but that in itself is not enough. I see various mention of bundles, spring beans, and so on, but the information seems either outdated or irrelevant. Is there a "Part 3" to the tutorial above that shows how to install the extended expression on the server?
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