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Everything posted by ajith.devendra

  1. Thanks Hozawa, Managed to resolve it using ComareTo method as you mentioned . Appreciated your support rgds Ajith
  2. Hi Dear I am using below expression just to check whether the variable is greater than 5000 then to initialize to Zero IF($V{DUTYPageTotal}>=5000 , 0 )[/code]but its giving me an error “The operator >= is undefined for the argument types BigDecimal,int . Class of the $V{DUTYPageTotal} is java.math.BigDecimal Pls help me the fix this error Ajith
  3. Hi Reportdev, I managed to get it work using the same method which you said , but the issue is , it will jump to the next page but it will print only the details band in the next page, other bands in the first page are not getting printed in the next page . rgds Ajith
  4. Dear Reportdev, Almost a week i struggled with this , finally found a field in the database table called sequence number (seqno), it strts with 1 ....n . I used this field and created a variable in jasper called "10Lines" in that i added an expression $F{seqno}<2 ? "1" : "2" Created a group using variable "10Lines" and checked on Start New Page in group band properties .. I can see the values of "10Lines" correctly prints ,but still it is not jumping to the next page . Appreciate your advice on this Rgds A
  5. Dear Andy, Thanks for your advice .. I managed to get it worked with below expression $F{TRANSPORTMODE}.equals("8")?" FreeZone":$F{TRANSPORTMODE}.equals("7")?"CARGO TERMINAL":"" and copied the expression in to the "initial value expression" as well . rgds Ajith
  6. Hi Dear, I need to jump to the next page after 10 lines in detail band , I have added below expression on the break element which was dragged from the basic element Pallete . But still it dosn't break the page to next page . $V{REPORT_COUNT} =='10' rgds A
  7. Dear Team, i have a below simple if statement in expression , but it returns null .. Would you pls help me to resolve this . IF($F{TRANSPORTMODE} == "8","FreeZone",IF(($F{TRANSPORTMODE} == "7"),"CARGO TERMINAL","")) rgds A
  8. Hi Dear, I'm in the process of moving Crystal reports to Jasper soft Studio .I have below formular in one of my crystal reports . What it does . Read a string having "|" marks and split the string to sperate strings after the "|" mark . And a carriage return after the "|" - (CHAR(13)) Input string is like XXX|YYYY|AAA|BBBB output XXX YYYY AAA BBBB would anyone can help me to convert below formula to Jasper expression . local stringvar array arr:=Split({Command.LineHsCodes},'|'); local stringvar result:=""; local numbervar start; if Int(count(arr)) > 0 then ( for start:=1 to Int(count(arr)) Do ( result:=result + arr[start] + CHR(13); ); ); result; rgds Ajith
  9. Thanks Hozawa, Reduced Band heights and split the fields across the other bands as you advised . It worked .. Really appreciated you help on this Rgds Ajith
  10. Hi Dear There is a gap between Title and page header band .. I’m not able to reduce it . In the design they are close to each other(Stretch to content) , but in preview it get a huge space between two bands . Same issue between page header and page footer .. fyi .. I’m not using column header ,Detail and column footer bands in this report ..all of them are deleted from the report . I would appreciate if anyone can help me on this rgds Ajith
  11. Thanks Joseng , i will try the second option and let you know the outcome Rgds Ajith
  12. I have two variables TotalPcs ROW_COUNT I want to initialize ROW_COUNT to zero if the variable $V{TotalPcs}>100 Variable ROW_COUNT is defined as below and It’s having an expression , but expression doesn’t initialize the ROW_COUNT .. It continues increasing by one . Would you pls helpw me on this Name = ROW_COUNT Calculation = No Calculation function Expression = (($V{TotalPcs})>100) ? 0 :(new Integer($V{ROW_COUNT}.intValue() + 1)) Increment Type = None Reset type = Report Rgds Ajith
  13. Dear Hozawa, I just need to hide the TotalPieces Variable while printing .. Would appreciate your advice .. In Crystal Reports we have supress checkBox .. Do we have similar way to hide the variable rgds Ajith
  14. Thanks Hozawa, Thanks for your quick response .It worked perfectly . Best Regards Ajith
  15. Dear I have a sum variable with below properties Name = TotalPieces Calculation = Sum Expression =$F{LinePieces} Increment Type = None Reset type = Report I need to initialize the TotalPieces value to zero if the value of the TotalPieces are more than 100 .. Would appreciate if you can help me on this Ajith
  16. Thanks Hozawa , It worked perfectly .. Appreciated your kind advice . I have one more question related to this .. I have another country in MiddleEast (using the Malyasia server) which is having day light saving . How do we incorporate day light saving to the same expression I would appreciate your advice on this . rgds Ajith
  17. Dear Friend , I'm using Current Date and Time Composite Elements to print date time on the report , but it prints server time not the local time . My server is in Malaysia and i 'm sitting in UAE. Would anyone pls help me to convert Currentdat and time to local date and time. rgds AD
  18. Dear Sanbez, Thanks for your response on my question .. Basically what i need , i have a field in master report which has been extracted from a table using sql query .. i need to pass this field's value to to the subreport . rgds Ajith
  19. Thanks Duggu Subreport is also in the same folder .below are the expressions i use "repo:QASubReport.jrxml" $P{REPORT_CONNECTION} I missed to mention that the sub report is printing when i run the master , but only the text paragraphs ,, without the field that i passed to subreport. rgds Ajith
  20. Hi Dear, I am trying to pass a feld value in master to subreport , but its not passing to subreport . Below are the steps i followed 1. Create a parameter "HawbNumber" in master 2. Create the same name parameter in subreport . 3. Right click on subreport on master , Cliked on parameters 4. selected "Copy from Master" 5. Added parameter expression $P{HawbNumber} 5. Saved the master.
  21. Thanks Hozawa/Report Dev. Tried both the options and working fine .. Appreciated your advice Rgds Ajith
  22. Dear Expert, I need to generate a squence number eash time I generate the report .. Basically when we run the report , it should generate the number and print .. next time generating the same report with diffrent details , it should generate the next sequence number and print on the report .. It should be the document reference number for the report .. I would apprecaite if you can help me on above query .. rgds Ajith
  23. Dear Hozawa, Thanks for your response .. Would you be able to help me to write a java script for this .. I have no knowledge of Java I would appreciate your help on this . best regards Ajith
  24. Dear , I have a Jaspersoft report which need to execute a URL and get the output and using this output need to call an image .. let me put it in steps . 1. Call below URL http://ImageStore.com:29786/servlet/IRSAccessModule?response=T&doc_id=45997568120&doc_type1=AWB It will give a output as below with pipe delimiters R|4599736190|IR||001|AWB|12794|TIF|image/tiff|2017-11-19 16:35:57|||URL|http://ImageStore.com:29001/servlet/RetrieveImage?image=123232213.awb.001.20171109.173239.tif| 2. read the last field (http://cImageStore.com:29001/servlet/RetrieveImage?image=123232213.awb.001.20171109.173239.tif) in the pipe delimitered file and get the tif image and display . I would appreciate if anyone can help me on this .. I'm new to Jasper Brgds Aji
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