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Everything posted by jfinley

  1. I'm getting something wrong here, but I can't seem to figure out what it is. I've got a block of text that has the Anchor Name Expression set to "table". I've got another block of text with the Hyperlink Link Type set to LocalAnchor and HyperLink Anchor Expression set to "table". In the Source, I see the following for the anchor text: <anchorNameExpression><![CDATA["table"]]></anchorNameExpression> And the following for the hyperlink text: <hyperlinkAnchorExpression><![CDATA["table"]]></hyperlinkAnchorExpression> When I publish the report and open it in the browser, this link does nothing. What am I getting wrong?
  2. I've got a request to add in a page anchor to a text field and to think link a single word inside a different text field to that anchor. When I add an Anchor Name Expression to the text field, I get the error: "Table2 cannot be resolved to a variable". I don't even know where to begin with adding a hyperlink to a single word instead of the whole text field. Please help! By the way, I'm using Jaspersoft Studio.
  3. I've got a report with two tables. I would like to have the second table and the text field right above it to always be on a new page. How would I accomplish adding this page break? By the way, I'm using Jaspersoft Studio.
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