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Everything posted by dbereza2009

  1. I try to make several input conrols for searching data from report dashboard. First I create single value control, then put DataType in a Name and Resource ID. After that add those controls in parametrs and code in my dataset, like: and (drd.reg_num like '%$P!{regnumber}%' or drd.reg_num is null)The issue that it's not working correctly for all parameters which I created. Some of them were not working at all and few of them display incorrect data (1st line is correct after null or blank fields in other lines). How to fix this or maybe there's a better way for developing this kind of controls?
  2. I found solution ($F{kindobjbu}== null ? " ": $F{kindobjbu}) + ($F{kindflat}== null ? " ": $F{kindflat}== 1 ? "Type1": $F{kindflat}== 2 ? "type2": $F{kindflat}) It's work correct. Also put this expression into variables. So I can filter values on this coloumn. Done!
  3. Hello. I try to combain 2 field with some conditions by expression text and put them into one cell. ($F{kindobjbu} == null ? "": $F{kindobjbu}) + ($F{kindflat} == 1 ? "Type_1" : $F{kindflat} == 2 ? "Type_2" : $F{kindflat}== null ? "" : "") The issue is that for first field ($F{kindobjbu}) report shows Null but not the blank "", like I made it in expression. Where is the problem? I try in other different ways but not succed.
  4. The problem solved. Add specific font to the server: Xorg-x11-fonts-Type1.
  5. I've posted screnshot here http://i.imgur.com/stuRqAe
  6. Try to change all your fonts to DejaVu Sans. It's on the top of font list.
  7. Hello. There's problem with value in chart bars. I check all font options - is correct (use DejaVu Sans) and also check database and all directories - they are ok. I suppose it could be any other options in global configuration of jasper server but I don't know where can find it.
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