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  1. Hi All, I've managed to get JRS 6.4.2 produce reports using Web Service plugin as Data Source. Nice plugin! Please explain me how to use that source in Input Control queries? As was mentioned in plugin wiki, I've copied source from Dataset query tab into IC query. Pointed query datasource to Web Service Data Source. When I try to start the report, Server fails and writes this to log: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Parameter "REPORT_CONNECTION" does not exist. What is looking strange for me is that in Query Languange dropdown when editing IC query I see no WebServiceQuery choice, like I see in Dataset query. What language I should choose then?
  2. What Query Language do you have for that Input control query? I can't find WebServicesQuery in that drop-down list. But it exists as Query Language for Dataset Dialog.
  3. That is funny, since I've started to work with Jasper that bug/feature was changing. In iReport it was on, I've became used to that. Then in Studio 6.3.0 it was off, then it became on in 6.4.0. And now off again in 6.5.0... Just to make it clear what I mean - I want values in Input parameters be kept after a run, even if I do modify something in report, so on next run I won't have to enter all values again.
  4. Hi! In previuos 6.4.1 version when I will run a report all Input Parameters would be kept between runs. New 6.5.0 resets them on each report run - is it a bug or feature I can disable somewhere?
  5. Was also in desperate search for autosetting 1st and last days of last month, when found this: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-use-relative-dates-jrxml-static-reports Simple and working as intended.
  6. Hi, my latest FF list available reports but when I click on any of them - nothing happens. Row with selected report is highlighted, cursor is changeing shape from arrow to hand, but nothing happens after clicking. Please advise how to troubleshoot such an issue? Some Java glitch or...
  7. Thanks, that makes sense! I can use customizers OK if they are in jar file and are uploaded to server, issue is with those from studio.. Is there a log on server where I can see what was supported or not?
  8. Hi, All I've developed a report in Studio 6.4.1 using built-in chart customizer "Range Interval Marker". It work nice in Studio, but has no effect on Jasper Server. How to correctly add it to Server, please?
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