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  1. Hi. Thank you for the answer. But it doesnt help if I embedd that font into Jaspersrudio. The problem is, what I see, the old iText Libary that jasper uses for pdf generation. On the installation details of jaspersoft, it sais its 2.4.1, which is very old. The iText library includes the Helvetica font which is from 2013. The bewer versions of itext are not for free anymoew. What can I do?
  2. Hi, We are an Java developing company working on student's documents made of jasperreports for years now and now, the federal state has invented a new letter: The upper ß, Unicode u1E9E. The problem is that it doesn't appear on any pdf deocuments we generate. Neither on a static text nor on a text field, which are all set to Arial or Arial Bold. Is there a solution for that? Maybe embedd a new font in pdf generation? We use the jasperreports library for java version 6.4.2 and the newest Jaspersoft Studio version. The thing is, when I export the report to DOCX, the upper ß appears. is there a quick fix? thank in advance
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