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Everything posted by bojan.brajkovic

  1. Hi Mark, Actually, TIBCO Jaspersoft Professional Services team is not limiting their availability just to Commercial Edition Customers, so feel free to reach out to us anytime for more details, and meanwhile, you can find more information here: https://www.jaspersoft.com/professional-services Cheers.
  2. Can you share who is your SMS provider, as they have different APIs ?
  3. Hi Nenad, Actually, there were certain updates to the REST API library, and some of the methods are updated, so you just have to update your requests. You can find more info on the updated API in the Ultimate Guide. Cheers.
  4. Hi Nenad, I presume you are using Community Edition of the JRS. Please find a detailed guide to the upgrade from 4.5. to the 6.2. and then to the 6.4. at the following URL. Kind regards,
  5. Hi Adrian, I presume you are referring to the dBase, if yes, you will need dBase JDBC driver like this one http://sesamesoftware.com/relational-junction/jdbc-database-drivers-products/relational-junction-dbf-jdbc-driver/relational-junction-dbf-file-jdbc-driver-documentation/ in order to connect Studio with you database. Regards,
  6. As far as I can see, the only mistake that you did was putting Content-Location in the body instead of the header.
  7. Hello, You could use something like this, it utilizes the number of days and number of months functions. Create calcualted field with following formula: Round((MonthNumber("Date_field") - 1) * 4.33 + DayNumber("Date_field") / 7) Regards,
  8. Do you need extra cell bellow every number, or can you just change the spacing of the existing cell?
  9. Hi Christian, I have recorded video tutorial for this one. Please find it at the following URL: https://youtu.be/jBS16Euc-CQ Kind regards,
  10. I'm going to quote the previous answer with added URLs so it should give you clarification. The best way is to put a httpd server such as apache or nginx and restrict access to the /jasperserver url.
  11. Hi Kenny, You can use JSON file as a data source in JasperServer 6.4. Please refer to the following document for guidance on how to do so. Kind regards,
  12. Hi barry.martin It seems to me that your SQL server is not setup properly or at least parameters you're using are not correct. Anyway, you can refer to the following wiki for more info on using SQL as a data source. Kind regards
  13. Hi b.fallahi, Adding chart property xAxis.allowDecimals and setting it to "false" would help you out in showing value as an integer. For further info, please refer to: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/xAxis.allowDecimals Kind regards,
  14. Hi gw, you can refer to this document for more info on HTTP API and on output types. Unfortunately, as far as I see, pdf might be your best bet so far, as I don't see any image format supported. Kind regards,
  15. Hi, please find the wiki on this one at following URL: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/using-excel-file-datasource-jasper-server Kind regards, Bojan
  16. Hi, please find the wiki on this one at following URL: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/using-excel-file-datasource-jasper-server Kind regards, Bojan
  17. Hi, please find the wiki on this one at following URL: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/using-excel-file-datasource-jasper-server Kind regards, Bojan
  18. Hi, please find the wiki on this one at following URL: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/using-excel-file-datasource-jasper-server Kind regards, Bojan
  19. There might be an easier way, but the one that I’m going to describe works like a charm with any type of Excel file, and basically creates MySQL database that you can use with TIBCO JasperReports® Server as a data source. Prerequisites:MySQL Community - https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/Creating database with Excel table:Save your Excel file as .csv (comma delimited) Create MySQL script with table definition at following url: https://sqlizer.io/#/ Start terminal: /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -h localhost -u “username” -p”your_password” CREATE DATABASE database_name USE database_name SOURCE Path_To_MySQL_script_file Creating JasperReports Server data source:Login to JasperReports Server and click on Create data source Datasource: Type: JDBC Data Source JDBC Driver: MySQL Host: MySQL host (localhost if installed locally) Port: 3306 Database: database_name Username: “username” Password: “your_password” Click “Save” and choose the destination folder in the repository. Now you should be able to create a new domain from this data source or to explore data directly through Ad Hoc view.
  20. Is your data connected to Jaspereport Server (JRS) ? From what you wrote, I would conclude that same data source used in Jaspersoft Studio (JSS) is not used in JRS. If I'm right, then connect JSS to your JRS and use data from JRS directly, or alternatively, connect JRS to your data source.
  21. Hi, you can refer to: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/printservice/index.html for more info on this topic. Regards
  22. Would you be able to share .jrxml file and screenshot of both scenarios?
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