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Posts posted by prakash_4

  1. Dear Team,

    Following are the process flow which I used for creating the new user, roles & permission. 

    1. New user created as "TEST_USER".

    2. New role created as "ROLE_TEST".

    3. Giving the "READ ONLY" permission for /public/Samples/himes folder & /public/Samples/himes/Rpt_AdHoc_DMUH_Dept report file.

    4. /opt/jasperreports-server-7.1.0/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/jsp/modules/home  -  Copy the file homeForDemo.jsp and rename it homeForTest.jsp. Following changes done in this file.

      <iframe id="outerFrame"        class="outerDashboardFrame"        name="Dashboard"        allowtransparency="true"        align="center"        marginwidth="0"        marginheight="0"        hspace="0"        vspace="0"        frameborder="0"        height="99.5%"        width="100%"        scrolling="no"        src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/flow.html?_flowId=dashboardRuntimeFlow&dashboardResource=/public/Samples/Dashboards/Dashboard_DMUH_Dept&decorate=no& hidden_isJasperAnalysis=<%=LicenseManager.getInstance().checkLicense()&&LicenseManager.getInstance().isProductFeatureSupported(LicenseManager.ANALYSIS_FEATURES)?"true":"false"%>"></iframe>[/code]
    5. Following changes are done in this /opt/jasperreports-server-7.1.0/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/jsp/modules/home/home.jsp

      <authz:authorize ifallgranted="ROLE_DEMO">    <%@ include file="homeForDemo.jsp" %></authz:authorize><authz:authorize ifallgranted="ROLE_TEST|organization_1">    <jsp:include page="homeForTest.jsp"> </jsp:include></authz:authorize><authz:authorize ifnotgranted="ROLE_DEMO">    <authz:authorize ifnotgranted="ROLE_TEST|organization_1">    <jsp:include page="homeForNonDemo.jsp"/>    </authz:authorize></authz:authorize>[/code]
    6. After completing all the above, restarted the Jasper server.

    7. Logged IN as "Test_User" - But no permission is available. Alert message as "You do not have permission to view this page." 

    Note: I have attached the home.jsp file & homeForTest,jsp for the reference.

  2. Dear Team,

    Im trying to find the solution for the following case.

    For Ex:

    Lets consider I have Rpt1 which is already available for customer1. Now I need to use the same report for Customer 2 & Customer 3 as well without recreating & republishing the same report. Now Im calling the jasper report from my PHP application. Whenever customer joins, then Im recreating the same reports which is already exist for another customer.


    1. Both customer 1 & customer 2 are in Same SQL Instance & Same Jasper server as well.

    2. Already the report is available in the PUBLIC folder. Still the same.

    3. How to call the jasper report by passing the DataSource as parameter/arguments from PHP application?

    Please let us know if any solution for this.



    Prakash R

  3. Hi Team,
    I am in the process of creating the AdHoc View reports with Input Control. 

    Here is my work flow...

    1. Created the DataSource (DS1).
    2. Created the Domain (Dmn1) using DS1 datasource. While creating the domain, renamed the field name from Patient_Payment_Type_Serial_No to Patient_Payment_Type_Serial_No1.
    3. Created the AdHoc View (AV1) along with Jasper Server Report(Rpt1) using Dmn1 domain.
    4. Created the Input Control (IC1) using DS1 datasource.
    5. Using the report edit option, adding the input control (IC1) to the Rpt1 report.
    6. After all these steps done. While running the Rpt1 report, Im getting the input control as filter option. But report is not taking the input control filter option.

    Pleas suggest me how to sort out this issue..

    Awaiting for your reply.......!!!!!!


    For reference : 

    Domain Created with below mentioned Query:

    select PPT.Patient_Payment_Type_Serial_No ,PPT.Patient_Payment_Type_Code
    , Count(Distinct VB.Patient_Visit_Basic_Details_Serial_No) as Visit_Count from Patient_Bill_Header BH
    Inner Join Patient_Bill_Detail_Services_Packages_Resources_Drugs BD On BH.Patient_Bill_Header_Serial_No=BD.Bill_Header_Serial_No
    Inner Join Patient_Visit_Services VS On VS.Patient_Visit_Services_Serial_No=BD.Patient_Visit_Services_Serial_No
    Inner Join Patient_Visit_Basic_Details VB On VB.Patient_Visit_Basic_Details_Serial_No=VS.Patient_Visit_Basic_Details_Serial_No
    Inner Join Patient_Payment_Types PPT On VB.Patient_Payment_Type_Serial_No=PPT.Patient_Payment_Type_Serial_No
    Where VB.Visit_Cancellation_Flag='N' and VB.Active_Status='A'
    and BD.Service_Resource_Drug_Cancellation_Flag='N' and BD.Active_Status='A' 
    And BH.Bill_Cancellation_Flag='N' 
    and CAST(BH.Bill_Date as date) Between '2018-01-01' and '2018-10-31'
    Group By PPT.Patient_Payment_Type_Serial_No ,PPT.Patient_Payment_Type_Code


    Input Control Created with below mentioned Query:

    Select Patient_Payment_Type_Serial_No,Patient_Payment_Type_Description
     from Patient_Payment_Types
     Where Patient_Payment_Type_Serial_No<=4



    Prakash R

  4. Hi Support Team,

    Is it possible to uninstall the licensed jasper server  from the server and if we install the latest version of jasper server shall we use last used license number in the same server. ??

    Note : Actually our need is to upgrade the jasper server version. We tried to upgrade, but we end up with "BUILD FAILED" message from jasper server.

    Please suggest....!!!!

  5. Dear Team, 

              I have somereports in that only one report is going to become the subreport. This sub report is referred in 10 jasper report. If i do any changes in the sub report and then published in jasper server.  After publishing the sub report, changes are not affected in main reports. Do i need to publish all 10 jasper reports once again or only one sub report is enough?



    Prakash R.

  6. Dear Team,

                   I have installed the jasper soft license on V1 Virtual Machine. In this setup, V1 Virtual Machine got crashed. Now I have created the new  V2 Virtual Machine. 


    Is it possible to use the Jasper soft License from V1 Virtual Machine to V2 Virtual Machine?



    Prakash R

  7. Hi Team,

         Is it possible to have the Sub Report in Page Footer Band of Main Report. 

    My expectation:

    I have two sub report.

    First one - In this report, it contains logo in title band. Remaining the bands has been deleted. It just having a picture within the title band. Let me consider this as a Header Logo Sub Report.

    Second one - In this report, it contains logo in title band. Remaining the bands has been deleted. It just having a picture within the title band. Let me consider this as a Footer Logo Sub Report.

    Please let me know, Is it possible. If not, can you please suggest the alternate way to achieve my requirement.


    Prakash R.



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