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Everything posted by sabrish.jackson007_1

  1. HI Team, I have a .jrxml file where they expect the input parameters. Below is the code. <subreportParameter name="start_date"> <subreportParameterExpression><![CDATA[$P{start_date}]]></subreportParameterExpression> </subreportParameter> <subreportParameter name="end_date"> <subreportParameterExpression><![CDATA[$P{end_date}]]></subreportParameterExpression> </subreportParameter> But I dont want to pass any input parameters, instead the below altered query should pass the value by executing the query. So, I tried to change the above code into <subreportParameter name="start_date"> <subreportParameterExpression> <queryString><![CDATA[select to_char(trunc(trunc(sysdate, 'MM') - 1, 'MM'),'YYYYMMDD') from dual]]></queryString> </subreportParameterExpression> </subreportParameter> <subreportParameter name="end_date"> <subreportParameterExpression> <queryString><![CDATA[select to_char(trunc(sysdate, 'MM') - 1,'YYYYMMDD') from dual]]></queryString> </subreportParameterExpression> </subreportParameter> And after changing the same if I try to upload that file into JasperServer Reports, It gives me the below error. Upload a Local File The selected JRXML could not be parsed. You might have selected the wrong file. Could anyone please advise what could be possibly wrong.
  2. HI All, I have four types of reports to be genrated using JasperServer Reports, Two of the reports are working fine, whereas the other two are throwing the below mentioned error. Error MessageThere was an error on the server. Try again or contact site administrators. (Error UID: 5bcaec3f-507a-4dsasad-djsancis2332) Everything is fine with the connectivity and server, I am not sure what could be reason for this error for only two reports. The other two reports are working perfect. Could anyone please afvise what could be causing this error! Thanks in Advance.
  3. Hi All, I am trying to execute a .jrxml file using JasperReport Server. My Report.jrxml file prompts for user input while executing. We need to pass the START_DATE and END_DATE values. START_DATE should be yesterday's date and END_DATE should also be yesterday's date. And it should be scheduled in such a way, if it runs the report TODAY, it should get the parameters as yesterday's date, and if it runs tomorrow, it should get today's date and so on. How could this be acheived? How could i pass the start and end date as the parameters using JasperReport Server. Could anyone please let me know the steps to be followed.
  4. Hi team, I use to genrate reports using iReport 5.6.0, I use to generate reports by selecting required .jrxml file --> preview --> pass the necessary fields and we will have the report genrated. How would I do the above mentioned steps in JasperReports Server? I have imported the .jrmxml file under Reports section in JasperReport Server repository. I dont know how to execute the report. My purpose is I want to automate and schedule the reports that I generate using iReport 5.6.0. Is it feasible? if so could someone please share some documents i need to follow. Thanks in Advance.
  5. @hozawa But I dont find version more than 5.6.0 . Could you please share any document that can be referred to schedule reports!
  6. @hozawa I am totally nw to this. SO my doubt is will JasperReports Server use my iReports template to schedule tasks or do I need to build a new report from the scratch in JasperReports.
  7. Hi Team, I am using iReport-5.6.0 Designer to generate .xls reports daily. Today's report will have the data for yesterday. Tomorrow's report will have data for today and goes on. Is there any way to automate this report by passing preview parameters, like scheduling reports daily and monthly. is it feasible? Could anyone please help me out on this.
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