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  1. I download the last font library from https://community.jaspersoft.com/project/jasperreports-library/releases. and put in tle library folder of the app. Now i can render the pdf well. Thanks
  2. I tryed to add in libraries but nothing change. Bold and italic dont been shown. If i user pdfFontname i can see bold. But its deprecated and i would like to understand how to use font-extension. i notice that pdffontname seem to incorporate the font in the pdf. is it correct? but how i can i embed the font with font extension. Have i to use some paramenter when i build the pdf? Thanks
  3. https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/538292/problem-pdf-rendering Maybe here there is the solution the folder is Libraries if a webApp
  4. Where i have to copy the font extension jar in my application? In the same folder of the .jasper, in the Libreries folder or otherwhere? I'm following this guide http://javaskeleton.blogspot.it/2010/12/embedding-fonts-into-pdf-generated-by.html Thanks
  5. Hello Everyone, i can't figured it out how to render in the same way a pdf in windows and linux. I use sans serif how can i do this? Have i to embed the sans serif in the pdf in the preference tab? But which Helevetica ArialMT? Or maybe i have to export the jar extension and add in the project? Thank you very much for replying
  6. Hello Everyone, i would like to Know if it's possible to import an existing pdf in jasperreport as template or use one as background and then go add other data on. How this could be done. Thanks fro replying
  7. Hello Everyone, is it possible to create a pdf writable and editable in Jasper Report? I tried to use this sample jasperreports-6.4.1-projectjasperreports-6.4.1demosamplesforms but i cant generate the file i got this errot net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Unknown entity http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/forms.xsd, not loading. at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlDigester.resolveEntity(JRXmlDigester.java:232) at org.apache.xerces.util.EntityResolverWrapper.resolveEntity(Unknown Source) Thanks for replying
  8. Hi All, I am new to JasperReports Studio, can anyone of you help me with creating charts with the JSON data? I would like use a JSON stored in a jdbc database. How can i configure the Data Adapter? It can be done? Thanks for replying
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