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Everything posted by ilse.pretorius

  1. I would like to call a report containing subreports from jasperstarter, but it does not work. Same report working in Jaspersoft Studio. Any help will be appreciated
  2. I have created a report which calls a number of subreports. When I view each subreport seperately, it displays fine, but as soon as I run the whole report, it cuts off some of the subreports on the right hand side of the page. This only happens when I generate the output as PDF. How can I fix this?
  3. I found a YouTube video describing the process and advising to use the java class java.awt.image When I do, I get java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java.awt.Image Where can I find a recent jar file containing this and where should I put it?
  4. I have a main query with a subreport returning only one value - is it possible to print this next to the main query row instead of on the next line?
  5. I have a main report, calling a number of subreports. How do I prevent this from happening? I have tried using a break after the subreport, but it is still happening
  6. I woudl like to create a report with different sections accessing different datasets not related to each other - is this possible? In other words each section would more or less be a report in itself.
  7. Jasper Studio throws error java.lang.ClassNotFoundException when trying to access an Oracle blob - how do I get around this
  8. I have come across jasperstarter and have installed it, but struggling to get it to work - it seems the most ideal way to go about it. I have read that one can write a servlet and make use of that, but we do not really have anyone who is capable of writing it. Please advise
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