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Everything posted by Steve.Sargent

  1. we are not using a sql query. Data is being sent in directly from a JRBeanDataSource (might have the name wrong, but essentially being sent in a list of beans)
  2. the data is not duplicated. The contents shown represent a single record, which has a list of additional locations within it..
  3. [/code]I am coming up with a problem, where a detail band that does not fit in the remaining real-estate of the given column, is having partial duplication of details on the next column. I believe this might have to do with the subreport, which is the last item in the details band. The following is a sample of the code that is being used, along with the subreport evaluated in the details band (it is derived, since I cannot put in actual jrxml files, due to company policy) (I apologize for the terrible formatting. I was unable to get the code block to accept the full xml in the brackets) Subreport file: The two files above are creating documents similar to the following table: (grouping removed)Name1Name1Address1Address1City1City1State1State1Zip1Zip1Additional Locations 1Additional Locations 1 AL-Address1 AL-City2 AL-City1 AL-State2 AL-State1 AL-Zip2 AL-State1 AL-Address2 What I am looking for is no repeat of data (for now. Am also looking for some functionality to reproduce name on each column, but that is for another post), but am not sure what I've done (or not done) that is causing the duplications. Any help in this would be greatly appreciated.
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