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Everything posted by srikanth.pothunuri

  1. Hi All, Japanese font is displaying with special characters instead of displaying Japanese font in jasper report. I have done the following changes in jasper server: 1). Install the Japanese language pack 2). Install ARIALUNI.TTF font which will support Japanese font and I have added this ttf file in jasper studio and export it as jar file and placed this jar in jasper installation folder WEB-INFlib. 3). Modified the fonconfig.properties.src file and added new font in this file and rename it to fontconfig.properties. This file will be available in java installation folder (C:Program Files<JRE_directory>lib folder) --> how to add new font names to this file? 4). Restart the Jasper server. 5). Given font name in jrxml file and synchronized templates in jasper server. 6). Modified jpivot_internal_messages_ja.properties file and again restart the jasper server. --> what needs to be change in this file. 7). Added URIEncoding="UTF-8" in conf/server.xml file and restart the tomcat. 8). Edit the applicationContext-security.xml file and locate the bean named userLocalesList and Add the new locale to the end of the list and Restart JasperReports Server 9). Open the applicationContext.xml file and locate the userTimeZonesList bean and Add the new time zone to the bottom of the list and Restart JasperReports Server. After we did all these changes then it should support Japanese font in reports but these changes are not reflecting in jasper server. Please help us.
  2. Hi All, I am working on redesign of crystal reports in Jasper studio, So while i am designing the template in jasper, i am unable to join the multiple stored procedures but the crystal template has the behaviour of joining the stored procedures externally. Where do i get this external join behaviour in jasper. Thanks in Advance, Srikanth.P
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