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Everything posted by kapil.mulchandani

  1. I have made the Jasperreport responsive but the scaling of the report can be done either by height or width using visualize.js, but i wanted to know how to do the scaling with both height and width simultaneously? Please Help.
  2. How to provide a hyperlink beside a table in a report, so that when the hyperlink is clicked a pie chart is shown for that data?
  3. In the SRC URL of the Iframe put http://localhost:8082/jasperserver-pro/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&_flowId=viewReportFlow&ParentFolderUri=%2Fpublic%2FSamples%2FReports&reportUnit=%2Fpublic%2FSamples%2FReports%2FRevenueDetailReport&standAlone=true&decorate=no&viewAsDashboardFrame=true&output=html This will show only the report(not the logout links and toolbar) and in a HTML output.
  4. I wanted to view jasper report in html format on a web page, and that html report should be responsive. Can anyone provide me any solution for this? I used iFrame and embedded the html report in it, but it is not responsive. <div class="video-container">[/code]<iframe src="http://localhost:8082/jasperserver-pro/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&standAlone=true&ParentFolderUri=%2Freports%2Finteractive&reportUnit[/code]=%2Freports%2Finteractive%2FTableReport&decorate=no&viewAsDashboardFrame=true&output=html" width="100%" height="800px" frameborder="0">[/code]</iframe></div> [/code].video-container {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%;padding-top: 30px;height: 0;overflow: hidden;}[/code].video-container iframe, .video-container object, .video-container embed {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;}[/code]
  5. cast(Sum(CODE21) as Decimal(30,3)) shows error at Decimal(30,3) , ERROR : mismatched input '30' expecting RULE_INT but when running on cmd it doesn't show any error. How to resolve this problem? Please Help. P.S I'm using db2 and Jaspersoft Studio 6.3.0 Professional.
  6. Thank You for the response. I deeply apologize for my question not being clear enough, I wanted to know, If I create a web application and on a putting the parameters and on clicking a button, could I get the desired Report?(Connectivity of eclipse with jasperreports server, nothing to do with JasperStudio)
  7. I was creating a web app which had an authentication page, and I wanted to check for its authentication from jasperreports server, and if the credentials are authorized, display next page. How could I do it? Please help.
  8. Could I connect JasperReports Server with Eclipse and make a web application which gets reports from JasperReports Server using Trial Version?
  9. Suppose I have a large database and when i form a report it consists of 1500 pages, so I wanted to know if, I would be able to see the first page instantly and the report for rest is being made simultaneously or the entire report will be generated and then the report will be shown?
  10. Could the report be edited and shown on the web browser at the same time? For eg, if we are seeing a table on a web browser and edit it to hide a column from the table, could we see the edited report directly on the web browser?
  11. I made a report and now that I run Interactive report(Jive), I'm able to remove the column, and now I want to save the file with removed column. How can I Do It? Please Help
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