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Posts posted by himanshu17sept

  1. Hi,

    We are using jasper5.2 and if user logins directly to the application with their default credentials they are not able to see the logout and search box option against their profile.Only their user name is visible at the right top corner.

    It is only available for the admin and superuser part.

    Is there any way we can make this options available to all user as well?  No ROLE_ANNONYMOUS assigned to them.

    Please help with this.

    Thanks in Advance.

  2. Hi,

    I have imported a .jrxml file in iReport 5.2. I can see the complete layout of that report with all related parameters but can't see the query behind that report.

    That jrxml was created on older version, let me know if this is the reason or if we have any solution for this issue ?



  3. I have created a multiselect parameter in the iReport tool with an Prompt option checked, when i run through front end (jasper server) is not showing any prompt (blank page). If i remove the multiselect parameter and add a normal data parameter single select then its working fine.

    can anybody tell me Whats the mistake in that?

  4. Hi Kriplani 

    I don't see this option (notification tab) in JS 5.2 version. there is only one checkbox saying skip empty report, i have already checked that one but it is also not working. I am still getting blank reports.

    Is it possible to do something after the email has been sent…like flag the email red if there’s data in the attached report??  Is there anything that can be done to give us notice that there is data on the report that is sent?

  5. Hello,

    Currenlty I am using Jasper 5.2 version. We have almost 30-40 reports which are scheduled and i got all of them as per scheduled time.

    Sometimes I got blank report as well because it returns no data. Now i want to skip those reports to be email which are blank.

    I have checked WhenNoData > No Pages in iReport but it didn't work.


    Any suggestion plz ??

  6. HI All

    I am using JasperServer Proffesional edition 5.2 version. I can see some OLAP views are there but I am not able to run them (don't see run option after right click). 

    When I logged in as superuser and go to server settings > OLAP Settings, I got  'Your License doesn't allow this feature'. We have commercial license.


    Can anybody tell me how can I use this feature ?

  7. Hi Everyone,

    we are planning to update our current jasper version 5.2.0 to 6.2.1 or above. I have few questions in mind:

    - what are the specification required to upgrade the current version to 6.2.1 ?

    - this is the production server for commercial use so what are the risks  & any other things to be prepare for this update ?

    - anything else we need to aware of this change ?

    thanks in advance 

  8. Hi everyone,


    I am using JasperSoft 5.2.0 with Apache Tomcat. There are few reports who returns around 8K records but while filling data to report, it's taking too much time to generate the result.

    Can we change in Virtulizer in this situation or any other way like  server settings ?

    currently we are using FileVirtualizerFactory class.


    Thanks in advance

  9. I have two different instances, on both instances we have reports now i was trying to create a exact copy of the content (jrxml,input control etc.) from one instance to another. For that i have exported the root folder by logging superuser and tried to import this file in another instance but it's giving me below error :

    Import failed. Reason: jsexception.resource.already.exists 

    both server instances are running on same version. I am trying it by superuser login.

    I have tried one by one to all folder but the result was same. Is there any way through which I can perform this thing or any solution to this problem ?

    Thanks in advance :)

  10. Hi Everyone,

    I have two different instances, on both instances we have reports now i was trying to create a exact copy of the content (jrxml,input control etc.) from one instance to another. For that i have exported the root folder by logging superuser and tried to import this file in another instance but it's giving me below error :

    Import failed. Reason: jsexception.resource.already.exists 

    I have tried one by one to all folder but the result was same. Is there any way through which I can perform this thing or any solution to this problem ?

    Thanks in advance :)

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