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Everything posted by dmarin

  1. Hello. I have a problem when I am trying to export a report to Word, the reports show the correct data on web service, but when I export data to Word (docx), I have text cutted in many cells. In Jaspersoft Studio I have configured the band split type to 'Prevent' and all band fields with stretch type 'Relative To Tallest Object'. I have tried to configure all band fields with padding but it does not work, What can I do? I add a picture to show you the case. Regards. Dani
  2. Hello. I have a report in Jaspersoft Studio, and works fine, but when I try to execute this report on web service (http://localhost/reportservice), show this error message: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded I don't have any parameter. It's important to say that the report has the maximum width (5000 px). I have tried to modofy the query to show only the 50 first and runs perfectly on web service. What can I do to? Regards. Dani.
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