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Everything posted by lprefontaine

  1. Yep. However the war file seems to be missing the JDBC drivers. I am unsure that it's the only thing that may be missing. I tought about another route to get what I need. Will try it now...
  2. Hi , is there a quick way to build a minimal war file ? Or download one ? So far I have been struggling with this complex deployment kit and didn't get anywhere. I end up with weird errors, the latest being a compaint about a missing tomcat library under c:...: $ ./js-ant deploy-webapp-ce /opt/docker-repo/conf/jasper-server/jasperreports-server-cp-6.3.0-bin/buildomatic/bin/setup.xml:805: /opt/docker-repo/conf/jasper-server/jasperreports-server-cp-6.3.0-bin/buildomatic/C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 7.0/lib does not exist. I am running this under linux... ahem. I was hoping to get the war file built and then get a deployment failure since tomcat does not exist but at least get the artifact created. Dead end. Why no independent ant task seems to be available to build the war file w/o attemtpign a deployment ? I missed it while reading build.xml ? Honestly, this is turning its back to the rest of the industry. Devops with this monster ? Beurk. This install kit is an hydra with too many heads to kill. Compound and complex tasks are not the way to go. I want to deploy this in docker. That's it that's all. I am willing to alter property files in an existing war file by hand or sed. Nothing heavy. I need to alter properties that are not supported by the templates in the current install kit as far as I can see. These changes can't be propagated at build time. So far it's like tackling the twelve tasks of Hercules. I added the jdbc drivers that we need (oracle, mariadb) in the build configuration, this is easy. But I don't want to deploy the god damn thing, just get a basic war file that I can use in docker. The recipes I found in docker hub are not meeting my needs. Again to complex and not support for proxying. help... Thank you, Luc P.
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