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Everything posted by blessed_spot

  1. Hi I've been working in a company for two years as a ITreportwriter. There are many reports on our website that I have updated or created using ireoprt 4.0.1. I would like to have enough information about the benefits, challenges, and possible issues of upgrading to a more recent version of Jaspersoft. Can you give me references or comments regarding that? Thanks
  2. I use ireport 4.5.1 (I know it's so so old but it's at work and I don't have authority to upgrade it). Anyway, I have a text field with following value: $F{field1} + " — " + $F{field2} Both field1 and field 2 are of java.lang.string type. Since neither field1 nor field2 has consistent length, I have checked the stretch with the overflow property as TRUE. But the problem is that when I have a long text for field2 the rest of it comes below field1 while I need it begin right below field2. Actually, it appears like: something for field1 — something very long for field2 While I need it like: something for field1 — something very long for field2 and if I put $F{field1} in a separate text field, since it doesn't have a fixed length, sometimes an extra space appears after $F{field1} or if I set its stretch with overflow property as TRUE, $F{field1} appears in two lines, which I don't like it either. Generally, I need $F{field1} appear in one line with only one space after that and $F{field2} to split in two lines, if its length is too long, and appear as I described above. Is there any way to do that? Here's jrxml file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jasperReport xmlns="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/jasperreport.xsd" name="adjust_textField" language="groovy" pageWidth="595" pageHeight="842" columnWidth="555" leftMargin="20" rightMargin="20" topMargin="20" bottomMargin="20"> <property name="ireport.zoom" value="1.0"/> <property name="ireport.x" value="0"/> <property name="ireport.y" value="0"/> <parameter name="parameter1" class="java.lang.Integer"/> <queryString> <![CDATA[sELECT id, code, name FROM test_co1 WHERE id = $P{parameter1}]]> </queryString> <field name="id" class="java.lang.Integer"/> <field name="code" class="java.lang.String"/> <field name="name" class="java.lang.String"/> <background> <band splitType="Stretch"/> </background> <title> <band splitType="Stretch"/> </title> <pageHeader> <band splitType="Stretch"/> </pageHeader> <columnHeader> <band splitType="Stretch"/> </columnHeader> <detail> <band height="125" splitType="Stretch"> <textField isStretchWithOverflow="true"> <reportElement positionType="Float" x="41" y="66" width="270" height="20"/> <textElement verticalAlignment="Bottom"> <font fontName="Gill Sans MT" size="12" isBold="true"/> </textElement> <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[$F{code} + " — " + $F{name}]]></textFieldExpression> </textField> </band> </detail> <columnFooter> <band splitType="Stretch"/> </columnFooter> <pageFooter> <band splitType="Stretch"/> </pageFooter> <summary> <band splitType="Stretch"/> </summary> </jasperReport> Which reads data from the following table: CREATE TABLE public.test_co1 ( id INTEGER, code TEXT, name TEXT ) ; /* Data for the 'public.test_co1' table (Records 1 - 54) */ INSERT INTO public.test_co1 ("id", "code", "name") VALUES (1, E'J', E'WELDING & CUTTING'), (2, E'L', E'CONFINED SPACES'), (6, E'N', E'COMPRESSED GAS/FUEL CYLINDERS'), (7, E'K', E'NOISE EXPOSURE'), (8, E'I', E'RESPIRATORY PROTECTION'), (10, E'H', E'BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS'), (13, E'M', E'LOCKOUT/TAGOUT'), (30, E'L2', E'EXCAVATION AND TRENCHING'), (31, E'MISC3.5', E'Miscellaneous Class 3.5 Hours'), (32, E'MISC3', E'Miscellaneous Class 3 Hours'), (34, E'VIP80', E'LOCAL 80 TRAINING DOCUMENTS'), (38, E'DGPTP', E'DIRECTORS GUILD - PRODUCER TRAINING PROGRAM'), (39, E'MISC4.0', E'Miscellaneous Class 4.5 Hours'), (44, E'HOS', E'HOURS OF SERVICE'), (50, E'B1b1b1', E'CONDOR AERIAL LIFT'), (51, E'BCb1b1', E'Cribbing'), (52, E'B2b1b1', E'SPECIAL AERIAL LIFT FOR SET LIGHTING TECHNICIANS'), (53, E'B3b1b1', E'SPECIAL AERIAL LIFT FOR STUDIO GRIPS'), (3, E'O', E'he target table is joined to the tables mentioned '), (12, E'C1', E'he target table is joined to the tables mentioned '), (41, E'O1', E'he target table is joined to the tables mentioned '), (9, E'82018', E'less'), (40, E'82018', E'less'), (46, E'82018', E'less'), (11, E'D', E'row'), (22, E'D1', E'row'), (4, E'W18', E'MAKE-UP ARTISTS FACIAL APPL.'), (19, E'W18', E'ROPE & KNOT RIGGING'), (20, E'W18', E'INTERMEDIATE WEAPONS'), (24, E'W18', E'GREENBED ASSEMBLY'), (25, E'W18', E'CAR MOUNTS FOR GRIPS'), (26, E'W18', E'HIGH ANGLE RESCUE'), (27, E'W18', E'LOCAL 600 GENERAL RESPR. PROT.'), (28, E'W18', E'GRIPS 32 RIGGING COURSE'), (18, E'W18', E' 6 numbers. some have less than 6 numbers. '), (23, E'W18', E'less'), (16, E'W18', E'than'), (42, E'HP2', E'java code to iReport 5.5.0rnstm.saurabh94 (2) 7 hours 53 min ago iReport Designer'), (48, E'HP1', E'java code to iReport 5.5.0rnstm.saurabh94 (2) 7 hours 53 min ago iReport Designer'), (37, E'GD$', E'ASSISTANT DIRECTOR TRAINING PROGRAM - NEW YORK'), (17, E'W18', E'java code to iReport 5.5.0'), (21, E'W18', E'java code to iReport'), (29, E'S', E'java code to iReportFIREARM SAFETY'), (33, E'E2', E'java code to iReportFIRE EXTINGUISHER SAFETY'), (35, E'R', E'java code to iReportRIGGING SAFETY'), (36, E'V', E'java code to iReportLIGHTING SAFETY'), (43, E'r1', E'java code to iReportRIGGING SAFETY'), (47, E'V2', E'java code to iReportWORKPLACE ELECTRICIAL SAFETY'), (54, E'B5b1b1', E'java code to iReportTRADITIONAL INSERT CAR SAFETY'), (5, E'W18', E'java code to iReportLOCATION SAFETY'), (14, E'W18', E'java code to iReportBASIC FIREARM SAFETY CERT.'), (15, E'W18', E'java code to iReportWEAPON SAFETY FOR PROP. MASTERS'), (45, E'GD$', E'java code to iReportGENERAL SAFETY TRAINING/INJURY & ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM'), (49, E'GD$', E'java code to iReportENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY'); When you enter 45 as the parameter value, it displays it as GD$ — java code to iReportGENERAL SAFETY TRAINING/INJURY & ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM while I need it as : GD$ — java code to iReportGENERAL SAFETY TRAINING/INJURY & ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM
  3. Hi, I have ireport 4.0.1 ( I know it's too old and obsolete but I don't have any authority at work to upgarde it ). I have some images (bitmap) and some static texts on my reoport but when I export them to DOCX no images are shown and some static texts are also don't show. There's no difference in properties of the static texts and I have some other reports that they show the same images and static texts. It works fine when exporting to PDF and there's no problem with overlapping the items. Any idea how to fix it?
  4. Hi, I have set linespacing to single for my static text field but still it's much. How can I decrease that? When I add this line to XML: <paragraph lineSpacing="Proportional" lineSpacingSize="0.4"/> I get an error: Invalid content was found starting with element 'paragraph'. No child element is expected at this point. I add that line between <textElement> as: <textElement> <font fontName="Verdana" size="10"/> <paragraph lineSpacing="Proportional" lineSpacingSize="0.4"/> </textElement>
  5. Currently, I only have ireport 4.0.1 on my machine at work. I need a complete information to ask my supervisor to provide me with required softwares to be able to try dashboard report. But this has been confusing me so far, do I need jasper server or jasper studio or both to create interactive dashboard report?
  6. So the next question is: If I upgrade to Tompcat 7 or 8 and JDK 7 or 8, will there be any compatibility issues with my current iReport? I have no way to upgrade my iReport now? Thanks fo the reply hozawa
  7. Hi, I already have Apache Tomcat 5.5, iReport 4.0.1, and Postgresql 9.3.18 installed on my machine. I'm going to install jasperserver BI Enterprise Edition v6.4.2 trial version and I need to choose existing Tomcat and Postgresql. Will there be any compatibility issues after installation? Since I have developed production reports, it's so vital not to have any problem with running or editing existing reports. Thanks
  8. Thanks for the reply So, the next question is if I attempt to install jasperReorts Server myself on my machine, will that create any conflict with the designer that I have?
  9. Hi, I'm new to jaspersoft. I have ireport designer 4.1 installed on my machine at work. I don't have any idea whether it's a community or enterprise. I would like to know if it's possible to create interactive dashboard reports on it. If not, what are the requirements? Thanks
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