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Everything posted by eddie_4

  1. I previously had an issue of how to stop local timezone conversion for DOB fields. User darth_fader provided a quick and simple solution. However, now the textfield pattern is being ignored. I have MM/dd/yyyy for the pattern but the report is formatting as yyyy-MM-ddT00:00:00. <textField pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" isBlankWhenNull="true"> <reportElement x="123" y="0" width="88" height="20" uuid="40bfec19-25c5-4807-801f-464034799729"/> <textElement> <font fontName="Arial" isBold="false"/> </textElement> <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[new org.joda.time.DateTime($F{dob}).withZone(org.joda.time.DateTimeZone.forID("UTC"))]]></textFieldExpression> </textField>[/code]
  2. That answer helped me. Thank you. The date is now correct. However it is ignoring the pattern. I have MM/dd/yyyy for the pattern but the report is formatting as yyyy-MM-ddT00:00:00. <textField pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" isBlankWhenNull="true"> <reportElement x="123" y="0" width="88" height="20" uuid="40bfec19-25c5-4807-801f-464034799729"/> <textElement> <font fontName="Arial" isBold="false"/> </textElement> <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[new org.joda.time.DateTime($F{dob}).withZone(org.joda.time.DateTimeZone.forID("UTC"))]]></textFieldExpression> </textField>[/code]
  3. Thanks for your response. I'm still a noob in iReports and although I know C#, Javascript and a slew of other languages, java isn't in my back of tricks. Would I put code in the field def on the report? Right now, I'm just using a pattern to format the data. Will I need to add another library for the Joda-Time libraries? Sorry to be a pain, just not up to speed on the architecture of adding code to a specific field.
  4. I have a report that has several dates on it. The dates are stored in the database in UTC format. I have the report converting UTC to local report time, however, one of the dates is date-of-birth. The database field is yyyy-mm-dd 00:00:00. When the DOB is displayed on the report the date/time is adjusted -4, -5 or -6 hours and displays as the previous day. How can I keep the DOB from being adjusted to local time?
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