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  1. We loaded the fonts according to the instructions, but nothing has changed. Now when viewing the report in JasperSoft Studio you can see: Page 1: Page 2: The first page ends with line 52, on the second page begins 53. If export to PDF, then Page 1: Page 2: The first page ended 49, the second began 53. The lines 50, 51,52 disappeared. If export to RTF, you can see why the missing lines do not fit on the first page, and remain on the first page, not moving to the second page: I can not understand, why this happens?
  2. Hello. When I created the report, I encountered the following problem. I loaded a сгыещь font and use it to display the text field. When it overflows on the current page, this field is moved to the next page. When looking at the result in Jaspersoft Studio, the result is correct, but when export to PDF, some of the text disappears after transferring to the next page. How to be in this case?
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