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  1. I have a jasper report which I export to PDF and Excel, as of now I am using only one jasper. I want the PDF exported report should be "isIgnorePagination=''true" and for Excel report should be "isIgnorePagination = 'false' "? How to set from java code? I am using JasperSoft Studio 6.2.1 version for development and testing. From searching in the web I can see that I need to extend some class in jasper reports and write the below code. But I am not sure to extend which class and override method. It would be helpful i you can share some code in full as i still in learning phase. if (report format is xls) { params.put(JRParameter.IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION, Boolean.TRUE); } else if (report format is pdf) { params.put(JRParameter.IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION, Boolean.FALSE); }
  2. I have a report which uses subreports and Break elements between them so that each subreport will show up on a separate Excel tab, and this works fine.The problem comes when the report is exported to PDF. In this case the report will have one PDF page for each tab, and the length of the last page seems to be determining the length of all the pages. If the last page has the most data, everything is fine, but if the last page is short, all the other pages are truncated, even in the middle of detail rows.Is this just the way the PDF exporter works? Can PDF pages be different lengths? Can we tell the exporter to use the longest page as the length for all pages?
  3. Hi Guys, I am facing a similar issue like this thread. Can anyone please advise? Thanks
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