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  1. Hello I would like to create a dynamic dashboard that contains a dynamic crosstab that allows passing the parameters to other elements in the dashboard when click on some values. Thanks
  2. Hello every one I wan't to realize a report which represent a timetable, so my dataset pull programs, duration, start time and end time, when I display this in my crosstab and when a module take more than one hour it shows duplicate. I wan't to know if there is a way to indicate to the crosstab each module must take a number of boxes dinamically. Help please Thanks
  3. Hi everyone I want to use total column to calculate rate in a crosstab with jaspersoft studio Help please
  4. Hi every one everything goes well when I run my report wich contain a google map compenent in jaspersoft studio but when I publish that report in jasperserver it gives this error " Google Maps ne s'est pas chargé correctement sur cette page. Pour plus d'informations techniques sur cette erreur, veuillez consulter la console JavaScript. " or display nothing, I tried to generate a key and adding it to (jasperreports.properties, jaspersoft Athentication, jaspersoft properties) but it doesn't work Help please
  5. Thank you Hozawa, the problem is resolved by giving my new user some more permissions on some resources ...
  6. Hi After creating my new user and assigning it's permissions and roles, I can now see my data sources and domains but I'm not able to create ad hoc or dashboard using that resources. Here is the error shown Message d’erreurUne erreur s'est produite sur le serveur. Réessayez ou contactez les administrateurs du site. (Erreur UID: f7d1cdf6-8e1f-41a7-a15c-b244394dc08f) Help please
  7. Thanks a lot for you're replay. Now I wan't to know if there isn't another way to accomplish this by : 1- Compressing those data ? 2- using jasperserver (recuperate them first from a table in the dashboard) ? Thanks
  8. Hey The GET method's size is limited, and in my case I have to send data using other method than passing it throw the url, so there is a way to use POST method in jasper studio plz ??
  9. Hi I'm trying to use the data of one field table and pass it as a parameter from my dashboard using hyperlink (my dashboard contain the hyperlink and the table wich contain the data), and how can I separate those values with comma for example. Please Help Thanks
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