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Posts posted by bob.baldwin

  1. I installed the trial version of the Pro version while learning the product for a client that is already licensed. The trial ran out and so I uninstalled the Pro version and installed the Community Edition. However, the Community Version does not seem to have a "Getting Started" page but seems to have the Repository view as the Home page. Doesn't the Community Edition have a Getting Started page? Maybe the install of the trial version messed things up?

  2. I am working on a large project with a database of ~750 tables. I have all the table relationships. Is it best practice to create a larger Domains with many tables or a series of smaller Domains/Topics. What are some of the gotchas in a project like this when creating domains with lots of tables?

  3. I created a new organization and copied views/reports into the new org. However, when I try to access the reports with a user in that org, I get an error that the user does not have access to the data. I tried to create a new folder for Data Sources in the Org but when I create a new Adhoc View, the new DS does not appear in the list of DSs. I read through most of info on Data Sources but cannot find anything to specify where DSs must be stored in order to appear in the DS list. How do I make Data Sources available to an Org?

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