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Everything posted by iyleiva25

  1. Hola amigos tengo el siguiente problema: He diseñado un reporte que en la banda background tiene una imagen que sirve de marca de agua cuando lo visualizo en html y pdf todo bien pero cuando lo exporto a .docx (que es el formato que me interesa) simplemente omite la banda Estoy usando jasper studio 6.10 agradecería mucho de sus sugerencias
  2. Good day community I have a question regarding the google maps component I need the markers I define to appear until I reach a certain zoom (12 for example) I have searched how to do it and I have not found anything. thanks for your help.
  3. Thanks hosawa, that's just what i do to solve, greetings
  4. Good morning all I need to access defined attributes for a user from a report if someone has an idea how to do it will greatly appreciate it
  5. Hello, I have a doubt I have tried to do a cascade filter and I have not had success I need help me, I explain I have two listbox and depending on what is selected in the first the second would show different options, In advance thank you very much
  6. I need to assign a data source to a report depending on the user being logged Someone who can help me, in advance thank you very much Note: If it is misread, I apologize and use an automatic translator
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