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Everything posted by jason.demmery

  1. None of the versions available for download work properly. I found an old installer for 4.1 JasperServer Community, installed that on the new server, and it works just fine. We would have liked to upgrade, considered purchasing a new version, but what's the point when documentation is sparse and often incorrect or outdated, features removed, API's broken (intentionally?) etc etc etc. We will be upgrading our reporting service, but since the API is fundamentally different between 4.1 and 6.x, we're just going to go with crystal reports or something else. Development time will be similar. Better product support guaranteed. Honestly, the service was just running defaults, we upload an image to the service, the service produces a PDF with the image from it's :8080 login page. Calling the report over the API, no image. Calling the report using 4.1, image embeds in PDF like it's supposed to, both ways. They obviously broke something and left it that way, and nobody seems to know what or why. We're very jaded now about jasper. 99% of the available help for this product is dated 2008, none of it applies to any of its recent versions since 2012. Even the "Answers" portion of this website is effectively dead. 0 0 0, 0 1 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0.... A dozen questions a day, one maybe gets answered in a non-helpful way. Your product is dying.
  2. Jasperserver Community Edition (JS) hosted on linux. Website invokes call using REST, I haven't recoded for SOAP, so I upgraded JS to 5.6.1 from 4.1.0 instead of trying 6.x.x. Using default installation of JS, which bundles java and postgresql. JDBC connector in JS calls my MySQL database. Reports are being generated with data (output to pdf), just the images aren't loading. When I change the image path to something invalid, catalina.out logfile catches an exception thrown about Byte Data Not Found; otherwise there is no log error at all. All errors, warnings etc have been set to go to logfile. The jrxml report and subreport were written in TIBCO JS Studio. Image folder properties says, "/images". Image property says, "/root/Images/test.jpg" After invoking from my web portal, an instance of the report appears on the JS host webpage in "Library." I can generate the report from there and it includes the image. I have also verified the input parameter is passing correctly (displayed on output). "isLazy" has no effect. I've found various tips about including a class in the image tag, everything found so far only breaks it further or generates errors specific to the change. The image tag is simple, thusly: <image> <reportElement x="350" y="20" width="190" height="50"/> <imageExpression><![CDATA[new String($P{input_path}+"/images/test.jpg")]]></imageExpression> </image>[/code]input_path defaults to "repo:"
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