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Everything posted by udaysriturangi

  1. I am using tables in my reports , To create table is that mandatory to create another datasource? I want to know which query executes first ? Report Query or Table Query (of course both the queries are same). Thanks & Regards, Udaya Sri.
  2. Hi imran, In query, i am using lag function, so that i am able to get last row last column data in second row, But it is not allowing me to do calculation saying nested window functions are not allowed,It is just simply printing previous row value. my table data: January 0 55019.17 221 242 0 54556.17 February 54556.17 32139.07 20 5967115.32 0 -5934996.25 March -5934996.25 18026.1 493 0 380 17153.1 April 17153.1 0 6 0 0 -6 Thanks , Udaya.
  3. Hello, I want to create a table something like this, A B C D E Jan 0 2 1 A+(B-C) = 1 Feb 1 4 3 1+(4-3)=2 Mar 2 6 5 2+(6-5) =3 Apr 3 . . . first row ,Second column value should always zero, and last column last value should be displayed as second row second column second value. and should be repeted until end of the table, Is their any way to acheive this in jasper, If so Please help!!!
  4. Did you tried print when expression ?? If not once try it ! go to that field >> Right click>> Show Properties >> Print When Expression Write a terenary condition in that Text box! Hope it will help you
  5. Hi , Actually i found the solutionhttp://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/tounge_smile.gif !! For subreport1 jst edit the condition as $P{columns}.contains("A") && !$P{columns}.contains("B").. It is working fine for me. Tq!!
  6. Hi , In my report i am using five subreports, For subreport1 i gave a condition ( in print when Expression) like $P{columns}.contains("A"). For subreport2 i gave print when Expression $P{columns}.contains("A")&& $P{columns}.contains("B"),Individually Each report is working fine, but when i select both A & B , Both reports are displaying, Please help me in this,Thank you
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