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Everything posted by gscoelho.coelho

  1. Folks, I'm having some trouble setting up a report containing subreport, i've done a lot of research on this problem but it wasn't solution to help solve it till this point. The environment settings are as follows: Java version: 1.8.0_112 Report IDE: Jasper Soft Studio version 6.3.1 Maven Library <dependency> <groupId>net.sf.jasperreports</groupId> <artifactId>jasperreports</artifactId> <version>6.3.1</version> </dependency> I initially tried to send a list to the report that worked normally as follows: Java implementation processing the query in the application: List<Monitoramento> monitoramentos = this.documentoEletronicoService.obterMonitoramentosNUD(); if(!monitoramentos.isEmpty()){ for (Monitoramento monitoramento : monitoramentos) { monitoramento.setEventosNFE(this.documentoEletronicoService.obterEventosNFE()); } StringBuilder jasperFile = new StringBuilder(""); jasperFile.append(JASPER_PATH); jasperFile.append(MONITORAMENTO_JASPER_FILE); StringBuilder jrPrintFile = new StringBuilder(""); jrPrintFile.append(JASPER_PATH); jrPrintFile.append(MONITORAMENTO_JRPRINT_FILE); processarRelatorioMonitoramento(monitoramentos, obterParametros(), jasperFile.toString(), jrPrintFile.toString()); } private void processarRelatorioMonitoramento(List<Monitoramento> monitoramentos, Map<String, Object> parametros, String jasperFile, String jrPrintFile) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(""); try { String reportUrlReal = obterExternalContext().getRealPath(jasperFile); String pdfFilePath = obterExternalContext().getRealPath(jrPrintFile); JasperFillManager.fillReportToFile(reportUrlReal, parametros, new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(monitoramentos)); JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(pdfFilePath); } catch (Exception e) { msg.append("Erro ao gerar relarório de monitoramento "); logger.error(msg.append(e.getMessage())); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, e.getMessage(), "")); } } But when I include the subreport it's happening the following error: Java.sql.SQLException: Connection is not associated with a managed connection.org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.jdk6.WrappedConnectionJDK6@285b0645 I am reporting that both Eclipse and Jasper Soft Studio are set with jdk 1.8 I decided to set up the Jasper Soft Studio connection to the DB2 database directely and the connection worked normally, brought the queries into the main report, and the subreport. I generated the fields automatically by jasper soft studio and previewing works perfectly by displaying both the report and the sub report with the data but when I try to run by the application is presenting the following error Exception ERROR: Error preparing statement for executing the report query: SELECT P.CPF_CNPJ CNPJ_ENTIDADE_CREDITO, P.NOME NOME_ENTIDADE_CREDITO, T.ID_NFE CHAVE_ACESSO, NFEM.NUMERO_PROTOCOLO PROTOCOLO_AUTORIZACAO, NFEM.DATA_AUTORIZACAO DATA_AUTORIZACAO, MNFE.OBSERVACAO STATUS_ATUAL_NFE, LPAD(R.NR_CNPJ_CEDENTE,14,0) || LPAD(R.ID_REGISTRO_UNICO,10,0) || LPAD(R.NR_CPFCNPJ_SACADO,14,0) NUD FROM PUBLIC.TITULO T INNER JOIN PUBLIC.PESSOA P ON (T.FK_ID_CONSULTORA = P.ID) INNER JOIN PUBLIC.NFE_MONITORADA NFEM ON (T.ID_NFE = NFEM.CHAVE_ACESSO AND NFEM.ID = (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM PUBLIC.NFE_MONITORADA NFEM WHERE CHAVE_ACESSO = T.ID_NFE)) INNER JOIN PUBLIC.NFE_MONITORADA_MONITORAMENTO NFEMM ON (NFEM.ID = NFEMM.FK_ID_NFE_MONITORADA) INNER JOIN PUBLIC.MONITORAMENTO_NFE MNFE ON (NFEMM.FK_ID_MONITORAMENTO = MNFE.ID) INNER JOIN PUBLIC.REGISTRO R ON (T.FK_ID_REGISTRO_UNICO = R.ID_REGISTRO_UNICO) WHERE T.ID = 9736334 I inform that the above query is the one executed by the main report, I modified it for a very basic query to test but anyway the error stays Java implementation processing query within jasper soft studio public static final String MONITORAMENTO_JASPER_FILE = "monitoramentoNUD.jasper"; public static final String MONITORAMENTO_JRPRINT_FILE = "monitoramento.jrprint"; public static final String JASPER_PATH = "\WEB-INF\classes\jasper\"; public static final String JASPER_IMG_PATH = "\WEB-INF\classes\img\logo.png"; public void obterRelatorioMonitoramento() { StringBuilder jasperFile = new StringBuilder(""); jasperFile.append(JASPER_PATH); jasperFile.append(MONITORAMENTO_JASPER_FILE); StringBuilder jrPrintFile = new StringBuilder(""); jrPrintFile.append(JASPER_PATH); jrPrintFile.append(MONITORAMENTO_JRPRINT_FILE); processarRelatorioMonitoramento(obterParametros(), jasperFile.toString(), jrPrintFile.toString()); } private void processarRelatorioMonitoramento(Map<String, Object> parametros, String jasperFile, String jrPrintFile) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(""); try { String reportUrlReal = obterExternalContext().getRealPath(jasperFile); String pdfFilePath = obterExternalContext().getRealPath(jrPrintFile); JasperFillManager.fillReportToFile(reportUrlReal, parametros); JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(pdfFilePath); } catch (Exception e) { msg.append("Erro ao gerar relarório de monitoramento "); logger.error(msg.append(e.getMessage())); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, e.getMessage(), "")); } } private Map<String, Object> obterParametros() { Map<String, Object> parametros = new HashMap<String, Object>(); parametros.put("logoPath", obterExternalContext().getRealPath(JASPER_IMG_PATH)); parametros.put("REPORT_CONNECTION", this.documentoEletronicoService.obterConexao()); return parametros; } public Connection obterConexao(){ Session session = em.unwrap(Session.class); MyWork myWork = new MyWork(); session.doWork(myWork); return myWork.getConnection(); } private static class MyWork implements Work { Connection conn; @Override public void execute(Connection arg0) throws SQLException { this.conn = arg0; } Connection getConnection() { return conn; } } Thank you for your cooperation, any guidance would be appreciated.
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