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  1. Hello. This is still an open issue. Are there any Consultants out there?
  2. I use an application called fishbowl and it has reports. I have been asked to copy a report to add some legal text. I get this error even when I try and compile the original report on my PC so I know it’s not anything I changed. I’m guessing the problem is in my PC configuration. Do I need things installed like Apache or something. I have never been able to compile. I place a copy of the file here if any one wishes to have a look www.Parabit.net/downloads/SOReport.zip The text I need to add is "All shipments as considered complete and accepted by the end user after 5 business days of receipt of the order." If some one can make this change I can pay for the consulting time via Paypal.
  3. Hello all. I am looking for assistance with compiling a report. I can pay for the time via paypal. my problem is this error message.... BUILD FAILEDC:UsersstevendJaspersoftWorkspaceMyReportsSOReport.jrxml:4: Unexpected element "{http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports}jasperReport" {antlib:org.apache.tools.ant}jasperReport[/code]Thanks.
  4. Hi. The comunity version is great many thanks. Unfortunatly i still dont get al lthe possible data and the box gets cut off. Ill keep looking. thanks for the help.
  5. Thank you all for the replies. I would love to use Jasper studio but i cant afford the $10,000 license cost for the once or twice a year report edit. Are there any alterantives
  6. Hello. I have report that has a text box of type java.lang.string. It displays a group of serial numbers shipped. However the box cuts off some of the information. The truncate always happens after 347 characters. I have tryed all three "Stretch" settings and Stretch with overflow off and on with all three Stretch settings. I have added "+ /n" to the end. Horizontal size and vertical size has no effect on the limit. I have used a font size of 10 and 8 with no improvment. the truncate happens i nthe middle of the page between other sections and at the end. I keep coming back to the text box having a physical size limitation. is that possible? Thank you greatly to all.
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