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  1. It happens with details section of the jrxml file. Try keeping you figure in Summary section of the jrxml and try taking a preview. This will surely help you.
  2. I think we do need to pass some datasource to the subreport to get the page. Thanks Dhruvil for the answer. But what it is like that can anyone reply!!!!!
  3. I am a beginner in Jasper reporting. So need to understand that is the need for the Group header and parts in jrxml file
  4. If I add a static page passing no data source to it. That page doesn't populate when I run my java program. I am using eclipse plugin for Jaspersoft Studio & I am using Java beans as my data souce. Please help
  5. Not very sure what is the mistake just started with jasper soft for a month. I have been through the document for reference. I am trying to use Report book concept and added content to it which are my needed pages. I assume the toc page jrxml is generated at the time of report book generation. The labels from different page are not getting displayed even after setting the bookmarks in the pages. I am using eclipse plugin for Jaspersoft community version & I am using java beans to populate the pages & charts in the page. So anyone who can help. The TOC page is all blank after running it.
  6. Hi I am trying to create a table of content page using Report Books. I did all the bookmark creation and setting the level in the pages which are the content pages. But still not able to get the TOC page generated as instructed by the documentation. Can anyone please help me out. I am using java beans source not the sql query data source for my project. End objective is getting multi pages of pdf using different java beans and toc for all the pages in the start of the document. Does table of content in Report book really need a professional or enterprise edition.???
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