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Everything posted by chaitanya.koli

  1. Hi All, I get the solution, Actually In jasper Server i mismatch Input paramete of jasper server and iReport. After keeping same parameter name ,Its working fine for me.
  2. Hi buddy, Its work's fine here, check below screen-shot: Also remember, After creating User you need to assingn Role to them, If you are creating new Role then dont remove default role (ROLE_USER) ,which is already assigned to it.And add new Role to it.
  3. Hi, Not yet got any solution. Can I use above parameter in jasper server? As I need list parameter instead of type string parameter. Or is there is any other way that I can change store procedure parameter so that I can use list parameter? Thanks.
  4. Hi, how can I pass list parameter in store procedure in jrxml? Here is my oracle SP query sample- create or replace PROCEDURE PROC_SCM_MIS_TEMP1 ( p_from_date in date, p_to_date in date,dely_gb_param in dely_gb_tbl,state_param in state_tbl, SCM_CUR OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) as begin insert into TSCM_MIS_TEMP select (select NVL(MAX(TSCM_MIS_TEMP.PID),0)+1 from TSCM_MIS_TEMP) as PID, a.DOCKET_NO as AWB_NO, a.OUT_CLOSE_DATE as INV_ORDER_DATE, TCODE_NAME('L021', a.WB_GB) ORDER_TYPE, b.ORDER_NO, TCODE_NAME('J004', a.wb_proc) Status, ORDER_D_SEQ, ORDER_G_SEQ, a.DELY_GB, null DR_COMPLETION from twaybillm a LEFT JOIN twaybilld b on a.wb_I_no=b.wb_I_no LEFT JOIN twarehouse c on a.WH_CODE=c.wh_code where a.dely_gb<>'53' and a.OUT_CLOSE_DATE>=p_from_date and a.OUT_CLOSE_DATE<p_to_dateand a.dely_gb in (select * from table(dely_gb_param))and f.CITY_NAME in (select * from table(state_param)); When I am executing above SP in oracle tool its work finevar c refcursor;execute proc_scm_mis_temp1(to_date('01-10-2016 00:00:00','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),to_date('01-10-2016 23:59:59','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),new dely_gb_tbl(18,40),new state_tbl('MAHARASHTRA'),:c)PRINT c; Its works fine even in jasper Report when I am using last 2 parameter as a String.{call proc_scm_mis_temp1(TO_CHAR($P{IO_DATE_FROM}, 'DD-MON-YY'),TO_CHAR($P{IO_DATE_TO}, 'DD-MON-YY'),new dely_gb_tbl($P!{DELAY_GB_PARAM}),$P!{STATE_PARAM},$P{ORACLE_REF_CURSOR})} But I need $P!{DELAY_GB_PARAM} and $P!{STATE_PARAM} in a list/Collection type instead of String.As I need to use further in jasper server. Thanks.
  5. Hi all, I got solution by adding multiple statement in oracle SP query only. Only one thing I need to change in calling SP is that adding extra parameter in it $P{ORACLE_REF_CURSOR} which display records from resultset.
  6. Hi hozawa, How can I acheive cascading input control in jasper server. I already created 3 parameters for 2 input where I adding first 2 parameters in 3rd param. For eg: In AWB_NO_PARAM I added 2 param within it ORDER_NO and AWB_NO : ($P{AWB_NO}==""?($P{ORDER_NO}==""?"AND ORDER_NO IN('1')":"AND ORDER_NO IN('"+$P{ORDER_NO}.replaceAll(",","','").replaceAll(" ","")+"')"):" AND AWB_NO IN('"+$P{AWB_NO}.replaceAll(",","','").replaceAll(" ","")+"')")But how I can force user to enter details in only one parameter in jasper server? where I am showing him both parameter "AWB NO" and "ORDER NO"
  7. Hi, I am using oracle database. I have one store procedure which insert records in some temp table. I need to call that store procedure, after which i need to execute select statement which fetch records from temp table. Is there any way from which i can acheive both store procedure as well as select query after executing that store procedure in report query editor? eg:{call proc_scm_mis_data1(to_date('05-10-2016','dd-mm-yyyy'),to_date('05-10-2016','dd-mm-yyyy'))}Now where should i write "select query "after these?
  8. Hi, I have created 2 text field parameters in jasper server , I want the user to enter in only one parameter among 2 of them (like we select radio buttons). Is there any way? Or else can I add "OR" between these 2 text fields parameters. Thank you.
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